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To infinity and beyond: The new generation ECM is here


So what is ECM?

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM covers the management of information within the entire scope of an enterprise whether that information is in the form of a paper document, an electronic file, a database print stream, or even an email.

Ok, so what does this actually mean and how will it make my life easier? ECM will simplify your workday in the following ways:

–          Less paper to file and organise. At last the paperless office!

–          Keeping track of all you documents. Documents will be in one central place, not on pc’s of four different people.

–          Better compliancy

–          Accessible from anywhere – whether you’re on holiday in Margate or sitting in a boardroom in Cape Town.

–          No more confusion when it comes to too many versions of critical documents. Gone are the days of last minute confusion before a meeting to find the latest version of your document.

–          Easy to retrieve. No more heaps of paper to sort through or disorganised folders on your pc.

–          Safety of documents not on site in case of fire.

The concept of ECM isn’t an entirely new one on campus. At the moment SharePoint Team sites are used to a lesser extent as a tool. However to make full use of the advantages of ECM, a whole new generation of SharePoint will be implemented shortly.

This implementation is the first step of a bigger project which will, at a later stage, also include Business Intelligence. On a more practical level this platform will also be used to host the websites on campus.

Through the whole process IT will be communicating the development of the project to campus and there will be ample opportunity for all those currently involved in team sites to attend training days. For other interested parties information sessions will be held to give a broader overview of the project.

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10 Responses to “To infinity and beyond: The new generation ECM is here”

  1. Sonja van der Westhuizen says:

    Met graagte Carin. Ons sit jou op die lys.

  2. Carin says:

    Ek sal ook graag op hoogte gehou wil word van die implementering van ECM vir departementele gebruik. Dankie

  3. Sonja van der Westhuizen says:

    Hallo Jeanette,

    ons sit jou op die lysie!

    groete, Sonja

  4. Jeanette says:

    Ek sal ook graag op hoogte gehou wil word van die implementering van ECM vir departementele gebruik. Dankie

  5. Anton says:

    Papierlose kantoor??? Ek kan die klaspunte van studente getik op papier in 1980 uit my liaseerkabinet haal en onmiddelik lees. Waar gaan ek heen met die ‘floppy’ waarop ek my dokumente in 1990 gestoor het? Dit raak moeiliker hoe langer die tydsverloop. Kan iemand bv. vir my wys hoe die eerste Maties Tuisblad gelyk het?

  6. Sonja van der Westhuizen says:

    Hallo Tinus,

    jy’s meer as welkom. Ons sal jou op ons lysie sit en laat weet sodra daar datums beskikbaar is. Ek vra ook ons huidige SharePoint kontakpersoon om in kontak met jou te wees.


  7. Tinus Botha says:

    Ek sou graag belangstel aan die bekendstelling hiervan en moontlike werkswinkels en kursusse, waar dit dan bv. by ‘n departement oor ‘n tydperk ingefasseer kan word.
    Hoe bly ek op hoogte van die ontwikkeling hiervan aan IT se kant en wat is tans beskikbaar om mee te begin werk? Op die oomblik is ek nogals nuuskierig om die voordele van ECM te kan sien in aksie. Kan mens by iemand by IT ‘n afspraak maak om hierna te kom loer? Gaan die elektroniese ondertekening van dokumente ook byvoorbeeld hierby ingewerk word?

  8. Sonja van der Westhuizen says:

    Hi Malcolm,

    I’ve forwarded your request to our SP pro. He’ll email you asap.


  9. Malcolm Taylor says:

    I have an Access database of all chemicals stored in the Department of Chemistry. This is a categorization of chemicals according to the Globally Harmonized System. At present this database is split into 2: a backend that contains all the data in tables which resides on the Chemie Deelspasie drive and a front-end that users install on their machines. I would like to find out about migrating this database onto Sharepoint. Who can I speak to in this regard?


    Malcolm Taylor


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