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Do you need a tablet?

If you’re always on the go, but would still like to keep in touch with what’s going on in the world and with friends and family, a tablet could be your solution. This device is easy to use and so light you can take it with you wherever you go – whether you’re travelling to Arniston or Abu Dhabi.

One of a tablet’s biggest advantages is it’s touch screen interface which makes it very accessible and easy to use. Due to the lack of keyboard the device is much lighter and thinner than your normal laptop.

What can I use it for?

It’s really up to you what you want to use a table for, but keep in mind that it’s main purpose is entertainment. In other words, internet browsing, e-mail, playing games, watching videos, social networking, e-books and videos.

That being said, the tablet is a convenient communication tool and can therefore also be used for work purposes. With this nifty mobile device you have your e-mail wherever you go and you’ll be able to create and edit documents, download applications, create presentations and edit spreadsheets.

Just keep in mind, a tablet can’t replace your pc or laptop. They have slower processors, less memory and smaller storage capacity. If you use programmes for video or graphic editing that typically need strong processors, rather stick to your laptop.

Which one?

The market for tablets is expanding by the minute with new products and upgrades. Each one offers something different, but before you make a choice, decide what your IT needs are. If you want to compare a few of the available options, you can find more information here.

More on tablets on Wikipedia.

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