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Log out, switch off

It’s almost holiday, but what about that ominous to-do list? We’ve compiled one especially for the office to save you some trouble. 

1. Make sure your password won’t expire while you are away on holiday. Rather reset it before you leave so you won’t be locked out of your accounts when you return.

2. Secondly, did you put in leave? We hope so, but if you haven’t, here‘s something to keep in mind.

3. If you plan on using your PC or device during your holiday and you need to have it fixed, updated or need to set up anything in order to do so, please try and bring it to us ASAP. Just like with Christmas shopping, people tend to wait until the last minute, therefore we are busier closer to the end of the year. The sooner you drop by, the sooner we can solve your problem.

4. If you’ll only be returning to the office mid-January, make sure the necessary arrangements have been put in place in your absence and your colleagues are up to date with your responsibilities. For example, some visitors and external workers’ SUNid registration might expire during the holiday and with it, their access to the network and buildings. If you are your department’s SUNiD representative, make sure this is dealt with before you leave. More info on SUNid here.

5. If you regularly misplace keys, cell phones, etc, it might be a good idea to set up security on your phone, as well as a tracking device. Read our article on security and how to set up tracking.

6. Activate Outlook’s Out of Office assistant. Detailed instructions on how to do this, can be found on Microsoft‘s website.

7. And lastly, before you happily close your office door for the last time this year, remember to switch off all equipment using electricity. This includes, PCs, chargers, printers, screens and lights.


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