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IT maintenance: Feedback

During both the weekends of 18 June and 12 July Information Technology carried out essential maintenance on various servers and systems. In both cases we encountered problems which caused some systems and services to be unavailable over the weekend, as well as into the following week. These outages were mainly caused by ageing technology and complex inter-dependencies between systems which make 100% availability difficult to achieve.

All systems and services have since been restored and are all once again online. We realise that disruptions such as these impact directly on the productivity of, and services to, our staff and students and although we try to limit them to a minimum, sometimes complexity has unpredictable consequences. We apologise for the inconvenience during these downtimes and can assure you that we try our best to ensure optimal service.

For inquiries please contact the IT Service Desk at 021 808 4367 or log a request on the ICT Partner Portal

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