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Access to Library e-resources changing shortly

Friday, May 25th, 2012

Until now free internet access to the US Library Services’ subscription based electronic resources were managed by a setting in users’ browsers.

This setting, known as the PAC file, consists of a list of the electronic resources the library provides free internet access to. It mainly consists of agent and subscription e-resources, although, in some cases, exceptions were made to make subject specific resources available for free. Due to the ongoing decrease in internet costs this privilege will be suspended from 1 July 2012.

Due to the increase of e-resources on the internet, as well as the recent upgrade of the campus firewall and SANReN connection, the browser setting is no longer a practical method to gain access to free internet. In future free access to e-resources will only be available on the library’s website. Users can create new bookmarks from the Library’s e-database list  in their browsers if they still need access.

This new method is applicable to desktop computers, as well as laptops on and off campus. From July 2012 users no longer have to change the configuration of their browser on their laptops when they switch between working at home or the office.

Take note that you do need to use your Inetkey at all times for access to these free e-resources when working on the campus network.

These changes will be applicable from 1 July 2012.

Article supplied by Wouter Klapwijk, Information Technology, Library and Information Service


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