International Law of Succession Conference hosted by the Faculty

On Friday 24 March 2017 and Saturday 25 March 2017 the Faculty of Law hosted an international law of succession conference with the theme “Family Provision as a Limitation on Freedom of Testation”. The conference also served as a workshop in preparation of an international book publication that will later be published by Oxford University Press. The local organiser was Prof Marius de Waal of the Department of Private Law and the conference was attended by the following scholars from abroad, who also appear on the accompanying photo: Proff Reinhard Zimmermann (Director, Max Planck Institute, Hamburg), Kenneth Reid (University of Edinburgh, Scotland), Alexandra Braun (University of Edinburgh), Wilbert Kolkman (University of Groningen, the Netherlands), Nicola Peart (University of Otago, New Zealand), Prue Vines (University of New South Wales, Australia), Fryderyk Zoll (University of Cracow, Poland), Sergio Camara (University of Rioja, Spain), Lionel Smith (McGill University, Quebec, Canada), Roger Kerridge (University of Bristol, England), Thomas Rüfner (University of Trier, Germany), Ron Scalise (Tulane Law School, Louisiana, USA), Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna, Austria) and Sebastian Lohsse (University of Münster, Germany); and Drr Jan-Peter Schmidt and Benjamin Pissler (Max Planck Institute, Hamburg).

Op Vrydag 24 Maart 2017 en Saterdag 25 Maart 2017 het die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid ‘n internasionale erfregkonferensie aangebied met die tema “Family Provision as a Limitation on Freedom of Testation”. Die konferensie het ook gedien as werkswinkel ter voorbereiding van ‘n internasionale boekpublikasie wat later deur Oxford University Press uitgegee sal word. Die plaaslike organiseerder was Prof Marius de Waal van die Departement Privaatreg en die konferensie is deur die volgende buitelandse akademici bygewoon, wat ook op die meegaande foto verskyn: Proff Reinhard Zimmermann (Direkteur, Max Planck Instituut, Hamburg), Kenneth Reid (Universiteit van Edinburgh, Skotland), Alexandra Braun (Universiteit van Edinburgh), Wilbert Kolkman (Universiteit van Groningen, Nederland), Nicola Peart (Universiteit van Otago, Nieu-Seeland), Prue Vines (Universiteit van New South Wales, Australië), Fryderyk Zoll (Universiteit van Krakau, Pole), Sergio Camara (Universiteit van Rioja, Spanje), Lionel Smith (McGill Universiteit, Quebec, Kanada), Roger Kerridge (Universiteit van Bristol, Engeland), Thomas Rüfner (Universiteit van Trier, Duitsland), Ron Scalise (Tulane Law School, Louisiana, VSA), Christiane Wendehorst (Universiteit van Wene, Oostenryk), Sebastian Lohsse (Universiteit van Münster, Duitsland); en Drr Jan-Peter Schmidt en Benjamin Pissler (Max Planck Instituut, Hamburg).

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