Nikita Stander


LLB LLM (Stell)





Nikita Roode joined the Law Clinic as a student consultant in the Law Faculty’s Practical Legal Training course during the final year of her LLB studies in 2008. She started with her articles at the Law Clinic in January 2009, when she obtained her LLB degree. After ceding her articles to Legal Aid, South Africa, during October 2009, she completed her articles there in December 2010, whereafter she was admitted as attorney of the Cape Town High Court in February 2011. She was appointed as a practising attorney at the Law Clinic in February 2011 and qualified as an attorney with right of appearance in the High Court, thereafter. Nikita assists clients with opposing eviction applications and with related security of tenure disputes. She also assists final year law students at the Law Clinic with advice, and mentors the candidate legal practitioners who are employed in her department. Nikita obtained her LLM (by research) degree in April 2022 and was promoted to Senior Attorney with effect from January 2024.

Fields of specialisation 

The opposition of eviction applications


Nikita Roode het by die Regskliniek aangesluit as ‘n studente konsultant in die Regsfakulteit se Praktiese Regsopleiding kursus gedurende die finale jaar van haar LLB studies in 2008. Sy het met haar klerkskap by die Regskliniek begin in Januarie 2009, nadat sy haar LLB graad verwerf het. Sy het haar klerkskap sedeer na Regshulp, Suid-Afrika gedurende Oktober 2009 en daar voltooi, in Desember 2010, waarna sy toegelaat is as prokureur in Februarie 2011. Sy is aangestel as ʼn praktiserende prokureur by die Regskliniek in Februarie 2011. Nikita staan kliënte by met opponering van uitsettingsaansoeke en met verwante sekerheid van verblyfreg geskille. Sy staan ook finalejaar-regstudente by die Regskliniek by met advies en sy mentor die kandidaat-regspraktisyns wat in haar departement werksaam is. Nikita het haar LLM (Navorsingsopsie)-graad in April 2022 verwerf en is met ingang Januarie 2024 tot Senior Prokureur bevorder.


Areas van belangstelling

Die opponering van uitsetting aansoeke

Publication/ Publikasies 

  • N Roode “The South African University Law Clinics Association (SAULCA), “Law Clinics and the Clinical Law Movement in South Africa” in J Bodenstein (ed) Experiential learning (2018), Cape Town: Juta & Co.


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