Extraordinary Professors
Professor Ockert Dupper
Ockert Dupper is the Global Programme Manager of the Vision Zero Fund (VZF) at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Launched in 2015, the VZF is an initiative of the Group of Seven (G7) countries, and is aimed at preventing work-related deaths, injuries and diseases in sectors operating in or aspiring to join global supply chains. Before joining the ILO, he was Director of Monitoring and Vice-President of Programs at the Fair Labor Association (FLA) in Washington, D.C. (2012-2014), and Professor of Law at the University of Stellenbosch (1996-2012), where he specialised in labour law and social security law. He received his BA from the University of Stellenbosch, his LLB from the University of Cape Town, and his LLM and SJD from Harvard Law School, where he was a Fulbright scholar. He also spent a year at the Harvard University Center for Ethics and the Professions as the Edmond J Safra Faculty Fellow in Ethics.
Ockert Dupper is die Globale Programbestuurder van die Vision Zero Fund (VZF) by die Internasionale Arbeidsorganisasie (IAO) in Genève, Switserland. Die VZF, wat in 2015 gestig is, is ʼn inisiatief van die Groep van Sewe (G7) en strewe om werkverwante sterftes, beserings en siektes in sektore wat in die globale verskaffingskettings (wil) aansluit, te voorkom. Voordat hy by die IAO aangesluit het, was hy die Direkteur van Monitering en Ondervoorsitter van Programme by die Fair Labor Association (FLA) in Washington, DC (2012-2014) en regsprofessor aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (1996-2012). Hy spesialiseer in arbeidsreg en sosiale sekuriteitsreg. Hy het sy BA aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, sy LLB aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad verwerf, en sy LLM en SJD van Harvard Law School, waar hy Fulbright-geleerde was, ontvang. Hy het ook ʼn jaar by die Harvard Universiteit se Sentrum vir Etiek as die Edmond J Safra-fakulteitsgenoot in Etiek deurgebring.
Professor Irene-Marié Esser
Professor Irene-Marié Esser is Professor of Corporate Law and Governance at the University of Glasgow. After an academic career of more than 10 years in South Africa (LLB at Stellenbosch University (SU) 2001, LLM in Corporate Law from Aberdeen University 2003 and her LLD from Unisa in 2008) she relocated, with her family, to Edinburgh, Scotland during 2013. She continued to be a professor extraordinarius at Unisa, until 2019. She was also a visiting professor at the Open University, United Kingdom (UK) from 2014-2017. Since 2020 Prof Esser is an Extraordinary Professor at the Faculty of Law at SU. Professor Esser has presented a 3-5-day workshop at the University of Johannesburg on Board Governance since 2009. During 2016 she received the prize for the best article published in the Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law for “Shareholder Protection in Terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008”. Professor Esser acted as an external consultant to the King IV Committee on Corporate Governance in South Africa. At the University of Glasgow she currently serves as the School of Law’s Deputy-PGT Director as well as the Early Career Development Programme Coordinator. Her research spans doctrinal and empirical approaches, covering the UK, EU and South Africa in the field of corporate governance, company law and corporate social responsibility. She is a member of the Corporate and Financial Law Research Group and the company law convener at the Society of Legal Scholars of the UK. She is an examiner at ACCA on their South African Business law module and serves on the editorial board of the European Business Law Review.
Professor Irene-Marié Esser is professor in Ondernemingsreg en bestuur aan die Universiteit van Glasgow. Na ʼn akademiese loopbaan van meer as tien jaar in Suid-Afrika (LLB aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) 2001, LLM in Ondernemingsreg van die Aberdeen Universiteit in 2003 en haar LLD van Unisa in 2008), verhuis sy saam met haar gesin na Edinburg, Skotland gedurende 2013. Tot en met 2019 is sy ʼn buitengewone professor aan Unisa. Sy was ook ʼn besoekende professor aan die Open Universiteit in die Verenigde Koninkryk (VK) vanaf 2014-2017. Prof Esser is sedert 2020 buitengewone professor aan die US Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid. Professor Esser bied sedert 2009 ʼn werkswinkel van 3-5 dae by die Universiteit van Johannesburg oor Korporatiewe bestuur aan. Gedurende 2016 het sy die prys ontvang vir die beste artikel wat gepubliseer is in die Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law, naamlik “Shareholder Protection in Terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008”. Professor Esser het as eksterne konsultant vir die King IV-komitee vir korporatiewe bestuur in Suid-Afrika opgetree. By die Universiteit van Glasgow dien sy tans as die adjunk-PGT-direkteur van die “School of Law” sowel as die koördineerder vir vroeë loopbaanontwikkeling. Haar navorsing strek oor leerstellige en empiriese benaderings, wat die VK, die Europa en Suid-Afrika op die gebied van korporatiewe bestuur, maatskappyereg en korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid dek. Sy is ʼn lid van die Corporate and Financial Law Research Group by die Society of Legal Scholars in die VK. Sy is ʼn eksaminator by ACCA in hul module in die Suid-Afrikaanse sakereg en dien op die redaksie van die European Business Law Review.
Professor Charl Hugo
Charl Hugo matriculated at the Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool (Afrikaans Boys High School) in Pretoria. He holds the degrees BA Law (1978) and LLB from the University of Pretoria (1980), LLM from the University of South Africa (1988) and LLD from Stellenbosch the University (1996), with a thesis on Documentary Credits. He qualified as an attorney in 1985 and joined the lecturing staff of the Department of Mercantile Law of Stellenbosch University in the same year. Prof Hugo became a full professor in 1996, and chaired the Department for the period 2001 to 2004. In 2005, he did pupillage at the Cape Bar. After passing the Bar Exam he resigned from his chair at the University of Stellenbosch and practised full-time as an advocate (as member of both the Cape Bar and the Johannesburg Society of Advocates (Maisels Group)) until 2012. During this time he appeared as advocate in the High Courts of Cape Town, Johannesburg and Kimberley, as well as in the High Court of Namibia, and the Supreme Court of Appeal. He also acted in several commercial arbitrations. During this period of legal practice he retained teaching responsibilities on contract basis with the Universities of Stellenbosch, Natal and Potchefstroom in South Africa (all on LLM level), and held appointments as extra-ordinary professor at the Universities of Stellenbosch and North West. Prof Hugo was appointed as Professor in Banking Law and Director of the Centre for Banking Law at the University of Johannesburg as from January 2013. He is a member of the Banking Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Charl Hugo het by Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool gematrikuleer. Hy het sy BA Regte (1978) en LLB van die Universiteit van Pretoria (1980), LLM van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, met ʼn onderskeiding vir sy verhandeling (1988) en LLD van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, met sy proefskrif oor Dokumentêre Krediete (1996) verwerf. Hy het in 1985 as prokureur gekwalifiseer en in dieselfde jaar as dosent by die Departement Handelsreg van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) aangesluit. In 1996 het hy ‘n professor geword en dien as voorsitter van die departement vir die tydperk 2001 tot 2004. In 2005 voltooi hy ʼn pupilskap aan die Kaapse Balie en slaag die Bar-eksamen, waarna hy as voorsitter van die US se Departement van Handelsreg bedank en voltyds as advokaat (as lid van beide die Kaapse en Johannesburgse Balies (Maisels Group)) tot 2012 praktiseer. Gedurende hierdie tyd verskyn Prof Hugo in die Hooggeregshof in Kaapstad, Johannesburg, Kimberley sowel as die Hooggeregshof van Namibië en in die Appèlhof van Suid-Afrika. Hy het ook in verskeie kommersiële arbitrasies opgetree. Prof Charl Hugo het gedurende hierdie tyd sy onderrigverantwoordelikhede op kontrakbasis met die Universiteite van Stellenbosch, Natal en Potchefstroom in Suid-Afrika behou (almal op LLM-vlak), en sy aanstellings as buitengewone professor aan die Universiteite van Stellenbosch en Noordwes behou. Prof Hugo is vanaf Januarie 2013 as Professor in Bankwese en Direkteur van die Sentrum vir Bankwette aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg aangestel. Hy is ʼn lid van die Bankkommissie van die Internasionale Kamer van Koophandel.
Professor Jaap Spier
Jaap Spier (1950) graduated from Erasmus University (Rotterdam) in 1973. He was attorney at the Rotterdam Bar until 1977, lecturer of private law, Leiden University (1977-1981), company lawyer Unilever NV (1982-1989) and professor of private law, Tilburg University (1989-1999; after appointment in the Supreme Court part-time). From September 1997 to September 2016, he served as Advocate-General in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (equivalent to Supreme Court Justice). He held an honorary chair at Maastricht University (1999-2016; currently emeritus). Since his retirement, he has held an honorary chair at the University of Amsterdam (from September 2016) and an extraordinary chair at Stellenbosch University (from 1 July 2016). Jaap is senior fellow Global Justice Program, Yale University. He received a PhD (Doctor iuris), Leiden University 1981. Jaap is founder and honorary President of the European Group on Tort Law and co-founder (with Professor Thomas Pogge, Yale University) of an expert group working on climate change principles (this group launched the Oslo Principles; he served as rapporteur), and co-founder of the Expert group on Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises (reporter and author of the commentary). He is fellow of European Institute for Tort and Insurance Law (ECTIL), in Vienna. Jaap is (co-) author or editor of 29 books and hundreds of articles and case notes on Tort law and legal aspects of climate change.
Jaap Spier (1950) het in 1973 aan die Erasmus Universiteit (Rotterdam) gegradueer. Hy was advokaat aan die Balie van Rotterdam tot 1977, Privaatregsdosent, Leiden Universiteit (1977-1981), maatskappy-prokureur van Unilever NV (1982-1989) en professor in privaatreg, Universiteit van Tilburg (1989-1999, sowel as ʼn deeltydse aanstelling in die Hooggeregshof). Vanaf September 1997 tot September 2016 het hy as Advokaat-Generaal in die Hooggeregshof van Nederland gedien (gelykstaande aan die Hooggeregshof Regter). Hy beklee ‘n ere-leerstoel aan die Universiteit van Maastricht (1999-2016, tans emeritus). Sedert sy aftrede, het hy ‘n ere-leerstoel by die Universiteit van Amsterdam (vanaf September 2016) en is hy ʼn buitengewone professor aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (vanaf 1 Julie 2016). Prof Jaap Spier is ʼn senior-genoot by die “Global Justice Program”, Yale Universiteit. Hy het ʼn PhD (Doctor iuris), by Leiden Universiteit 1981, verwerf. Prof Spier is stigter en erepresident van die Europese Groep van Deliktereg, medestigter (saam met prof Thomas Pogge, Yale Universiteit) van ʼn kundige groep wat aan die beginsels van klimaatsverandering werk (hierdie groep het die Oslo-beginsels geloods, hy het as Rapporteur gedien) en stigter van die Kundige Groep van Beginsels oor Klimaatsverpligtinge van Ondernemings (verslaggewer en skrywer van die kommentaar). Hy is medelid van die “European Institute for Tort and Insurance Law” (ECTIL), in Wene. Prof Spier is -skrywer en/of mederedakteur van 29 boeke, honderde artikels en saaknotas oor deliktereg en wetlike aspekte van klimaatsverandering.
Professor Andreas van Wyk
Andreas van Wyk received his secondary school education at the Boys’ High school Helpmekaar in Johannesburg, where he matriculated in 1959 with the first position in the then Transvaal. He received his legal education cum laude at Stellenbosch University and at the University of Bonn in Germany (1960-1966). He also attended lectures at Besançon University in France during this period. He received his doctorate in law in 1976 from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. In 1997, Leuven University in Belgium awarded him an honorary doctorate in law as recognition for his service to higher education and legal development. Thereafter (2007) he also obtained a B Phil degree in Ancient History at Stellenbosch University. Andreas van Wyk’s career as an academic took him from senior lecturer to professor and dean of the Stellenbosch Law Faculty (1966 – 1984). After a period of three years (1984-1987) as director general of Constitutional Development and Planning, during which he was actively involved in the preamble to the new South African dispensation, he returned to Stellenbosch as first vice-rector and then rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University (1991-2001). He is the author of three standard works on South African law and many articles on legal issues. He was also active in the business world as director of companies such as Boland Bank, Distillers Corporation, of which he was chairman, the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, and Old Mutual South Africa, of which he was also chairman until the end of 2010. Since his resignation as Rector of Stellenbosch University, Prof Van Wyk has been active as a lecturer in and advisor on corporate law issues, with particular emphasis on corporate governance. He also serves on the management of various charitable organisations. He also reads widely in his proficient languages: Afrikaans, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, and Spanish. His love for Latin also stays with him.
Andreas van Wyk het sy sekondêre skoolopleiding aan die Hoër Seunskool Helpmekaar in Johannesburg ontvang, waar hy in 1959 matrikuleer met die eerste posisie in die destydse Transvaal. Sy regsopleiding kry hy cum laude aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en aan die Universiteit Bonn in Duitsland (1960-1966). Hy het in dié tydperk ook lesings aan die Universiteit Besançon in Frankryk bygewoon. Sy doktorsgraad in die Regsgeleerdheid ontvang hy in 1976 cum laude van die Universiteit Leiden in Nederland. In 1997 ken die Universiteit Leuven in België ʼn eredoktorsgraad in die regte aan hom toe as erkenning vir sy diens aan hoër onderwys en regsontwikkeling. Daarna (2007) het hy ook ʼn B Phil-graad in Antieke Geskiedenis aan die US verwerf. Andreas van Wyk se loopbaan as akademikus het hom geneem van senior lektor tot professor en dekaan van die Stellenbosse Regsfakulteit (1966-1984). Ná ʼn tydperk van drie jaar (1984-1987) as direkteur-generaal van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, waartydens hy aktief by die aanloop tot die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling betrokke was, het hy na Stellenbosch teruggekeer as eers viserektor en dan rektor en visekanselier van die Universiteit (1991-2001). Hy is die skrywer van drie standaardwerke oor die Suid-Afrikaanse reg en van vele artikels oor regsonderwerpe. Hy was ook aktief betrokke in die sakewêreld as direkteur van maatskappye soos Boland Bank, Distillers Korporasie, waarvan hy voorsitter was, die Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, en Ou Mutual Suid-Afrika, waarvan hy tot einde 2010 ook die voorsitter was. Sedert sy uittrede as rektor van Stellenbosch Universiteit is Prof Van Wyk weer aktief as dosent in en adviseur oor veral maatskappyregtelike kwessies, met besondere klem op korporatiewe bestuur. Verder dien hy in die bestuur van verskeie liefdadigheidsaksies. Hy lees ook wyd in die tale wat hy magtig is: Afrikaans, Duits, Engels, Frans, Italiaans, Nederlands, en Spaans. Sy liefde vir Latyn bly hom ook by.
Research Fellows
Prof David Butler
Prof David Butler joined the University of Stellenbosch in 1979 and is an Emeritus Professor and Research Fellow in the Department of Mercantile. His publications include articles and chapters in books on aspects of arbitration and mediation. Prof Butler teaches the LLM modules International Commercial Arbitration as well as Selected Dispute Resolution Techniques, he furthermore lectures Mercantile Law 442 (Commercial Dispute Resolution) and is involved in Private Law 451 and Mercantile Law 311.
Prof Karin Calitz
Karin Calitz is professor emeritus in Mercantile Law at Stellenbosch University. She studied at Stellenbosch University and the University of Johannesburg and obtained the LLD degree at the University of South Africa in 1999. Her doctoral thesis dealt with the unsatisfactory labour law position of farmworkers in South Africa. She lectured at Vista University in Pretoria before her appointment at Stellenbosch University. She specialises in labour law and within this field her research focusses on vulnerable groups, namely farmworkers, domestic workers, children and women. She has published on, inter alia: the vicarious liability of employers for sexual harassment; child labour; contracts in restraint of trade; the employment position of minsters of religion; collective bargaining; the effect of globalisation on the rights of workers; and international employment contracts. She is a NRF evaluated researcher on level C. Prof Karin Calitz teaches the LLM module Selected issues in International Labour and Social Security Law.
Karin Calitz is ʼn emeritus professor in Handelsreg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US). Sy het aan die US en die Universiteit van Johannesburg gestudeer en het die graad LLD in 1999 aan die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika verwerf. Haar doktorale tesis het gehandel oor die onbevredigende arbeidsregtelike posisie van plaaswerkers. Sy was ʼn dosent aan Vista Universiteit voordat sy by die US aangestel is. Sy spesialiseer in arbeidsreg en spesialiseer binne hierdie veld op kwesbare groepe, naamlik plaaswerkers, huiswerkers, kinders en vroue. Sy het inter alia gepubliseer oor: die middellike aanspreeklikheid van werkgewers vir seksuele teistering; kinderarbeid; mededingingsklousules; die diensverhouding van predikante; kollektiewe bedinging; die effek van globalisering op die regte van werkers; en internasionale dienskontrakte. Sy is ʼn NNS gevalueerde navorser op vlak C. Prof Calitz bied die volgende LLM-modules aan: “Selected issues in International Labour” en “Social Security Law”.
Dr Ama Eyo
Dr Eyo is a Lecturer in Law and Programme Director for the LLM in Public Procurement Law & Strategy at Bangor University, North Wales, United Kingdom. Previously a practicing lawyer in Nigeria, Ama is a specialist in public sector procurement with significant experiences in leading sustainable and strategic procurement, and process transformation programmes within the central government in the United Kingdom. Ama has also worked in the areas of international and national regulation of contemporary procurement issues and techniques. Her doctoral awarded in this area which was completed at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom under financial sponsorship from the University and its Public Procurement Research Group, examined the legal framework and operation of e-auctions tool in the European Union (EU) procurement. Some findings from that research are published as “Electronic auctions in European Union procurement: Reflections from the United Kingdom” (2012)1 Public Procurement Law Review 1.
Dr Madelein Kleyn
Dr Madelein Kleyn is a qualified chemical engineer, an admitted attorney and a registered Patent Attorney and holds the degrees B.Sc (Chemical) Engineering (University of Potchefstroom), B.Proc (University of South Africa), LLB (University of South Africa), LLM (Tax) (University of Johannesburg) and PhD (Private Law) (University of Cape Town). She is a member and council member of the SAIIPL (South African Institute of Intellectual Property Lawyers)), INTA (International Trademark Association) and ACS (American Chemical Society). She is also member of LES (License Executive Society of South Africa).
Dr Kleyn started her career as Chemical Engineer with Mintek in Randburg in 1991. She joined Sasol (the largest South African Petrochemical Company) as process engineer in 1993. She completed her articles at Adams & Adams on secondment from Sasol. In 1995 she returned to Sasol where she established the Intellectual Property (IP) Services department in the R&D division of Sasol Technology. In 1999 she was appointed as IP Legal advisor of Sasol Limited with the aim of establishing IP management for various Sasol companies and business units on an international basis. Madelein has served as in-house Patent Counsel for Sasol in Rosebank for 16 years. At the end of 2009 she joined Oro Agri (Pty) Ltd and is currently the Group Manager for corporate legal and IP matters for the international group of Oro Agri companies which manufactures and distributes organically friendly pesticides, fertilizers and adjuvants.
Dr Kleyn has tutored for the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) e-learning program on IP Management; she is responsible for the SAIIPL lectures and exams for the Patent Attorneys Practitioners’ course for candidate attorneys and she is the co-ordinator for the Patents and Designs module of the LLM (IP Law) and the PGDip (IP Law) degrees at the University of Stellenbosch presented by the Chair of Intellectual Property Law. Madelein was appointed Research Fellow of the Department of Mercantile Law, Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University in January 2014.
Dr Kleyn’s main areas of expertise include IP strategy development and implementation (both defensive and offensive), Merger and Acquisition IP integration matters, IP portfolio management including prosecution of patents and trademarks, development of training material for corporate environment in most areas of IP, drafting of, and advising on IP related agreements and negotiation of IP business related transactions, IP litigation (US, Europe and South Africa) and European patent opposition matters. She has advised and assisted clients on exchange control matters with respect to intellectual property transactions since 2000.
Dr Kleyn has authored and presented various papers at national and international conferences on the subjects of intellectual capital, IP due Diligence, IP strategy and IP management.
Prof Annamarie la Chima
Prof Annamaria La Chimia LLB (La Sapienza, Rome) LLM and PhD (Nottingham) is Professor at the University of Nottingham. Annamaria co-leads the University’s Rights and Justice Research Priority Area and is the School’s Equality Officer and Chair of the Equality and Diversity Committee. She is the Director of the Humanitarian and Development Procurement Unit and of the Procurement and Human Rights Unit within the Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG). Her research has been funded by prestigious UK Research Councils (including the BA, BA-Leverhulme, AHRC). She has taught at a range of Universities and has acted as expert advisor in the field of procurement for numerous international organizations. She has published extensively in the area of aid effectiveness, development aid procurement and procurement by multilateral and bilateral aid donors. Her work has featured in International and European law reviews and in international edited collections. She is the author of Tied aid and Development Aid Procurement in the framework of EU and WTO Law: the imperative for Change, published by Hart Publishing in 2013, the leading monograph on this topic.
Dr Dominic N Dagbanja
Dr Dominic N. Dagbanja is a lecturer in Law at the University of Western Australia Law School. He previously worked at the University of Manchester Law School as a Research Associate and was Lecturer in Law at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration where he taught Contract Management and Legal Environment for Business. He practised law with the corporate and commercial law firm of Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa & Ankomah, in Accra, Ghana. He has published extensively on international investment law and public procurement law in peer-reviewed journals and yearbooks, including: transnational Legal Theory, The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, Journal of African Law and Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy. He is also the author of The Law of Public Procurement in Ghana: Law, Policy and Practice (Lambert Academic Publishing 2011).
Dr George Nwangwu
Dr George Nwangwu has nearly two decades of experience spanning academia, legal practice and consultancy services in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. He was a lecturer in the Department of Commercial Law, University of Lagos Nigeria and the University of London (external program). As an international consultant to multilateral institutions, he has been involved with issues in the fields of infrastructure/utilities regulation, infrastructure finance, Project management and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Dr Nwangwu was a DFID/World Bank funded consultant with the Bureau of Public Enterprises where he held the following posts: Environmental Legal Adviser, Infrastructure Legal Adviser, Special Assistant to the Director General of the BPE and finally Head of the Strategy and Multilateral Relations Department. Dr Nwangwu has also served as PPP Coordinator and Head of the PPP Division, Federal Ministry of Finance, Nigeria. He was also a special adviser to the Hon. Minister of Finance on infrastructure finance and PPPs.
Dr Kingsley Tochukwu Udeh
Kingsley has a Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree from Stellenbosch University. His doctoral research was on Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Bidder Remedies in South Africa and Nigeria (the full dissertation can be found here.). His LLM, from the University of Nottingham, covered modules that included: Public Procurement in the EU and International Trade Law, Public Procurement Law, International Trade Finance, World Trading System, International Investment Law, and International Disputes Settlement. The Master’s dissertation, on critical appraisal of Kenya bidder remedies system, was awarded a distinction.
He is a legal practitioner, Notary Public, and consultant, with over 12 years’ experience in providing consultancy services in public procurement and public finance management regulation to national and international organisations, including UNICEF (and other UN agencies) and DFID, as Lead Procurement Consultant. In 2017, Enugu State Government appointed him as the Senior Special Assistant to the State Governor on Development Aid Coordination and Mobilization. He is a lecturer with Baze University, Abuja, Nigeria; and a former lecturer with the Nigerian Law School. He has been an active member of the African Procurement Law Unit of Stellenbosch University since its creation in 2012; and serves in the editorial committee of the African Public Procurement Law Journal. He is also a member of the Procurement Law Academic Network. Kingsley has several publications in international scholarly journals and in relevant academic books.
Dr Peter Volmink
Dr Peter Volmink is an admitted advocate of the High Court of South Africa, having previously practiced at the Cape Bar. He holds the degrees BA.LLB (UCT), LLM in Administrative Law (Duke University) and PhD in public procurement law (Wits Law School). After practicing at the Cape Bar for a period of time, Peter joined the National Prosecuting Authority as Regional Head of the Asset Forfeiture Unit. Thereafter, he was appointed as General Manager: Legal in Transnet. Peter currently holds the position of Executive Manager in Supply Chain in Transnet. He is also currently the chairperson of the Administrative Justice Association of South Africa Special Interest Group on Public Procurement.