On 20 April, the Faculty of Law hosted a book launch for the first volume of the Faculty of Law’s new books series Perspectives on Law from South Africa and Beyond: Future, Present and Past under the editorship of Prof Geo Quinot and Prof Nicola Smit. The first volume, edited by Prof Zsa-Zsa Boggenpoel, is entitled Law, Justice and Transformation. The series is published by LexisNexis.
The guest speaker at the launch was Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the South African Constitutional Court. In his remarks, Justice Madlanga emphasised the importance of legal scholarship in critically engaging with the law and continuously asking whether legal rules and legal process are advancing the pursuit of constitutional transformation in South Africa. He noted that much work remains to be done to shift South African law and legal process, including courts, to fully embrace the transformative vision of our Constitution for South Africa. He welcomed the first edition of the series, and noted that it makes an important contribution to our ongoing transformation journey. He encouraged everyone, but especially law researchers and law students, to continue on this path, noting that there are many within the judiciary that place a high premium on scholarly work as adding much value to their own work as judges.
Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid het op 20 April ‘n boekbekendstelling aangebied vir die eerste volume van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid se nuwe boekereeks Perspectives on Law from South Africa and Beyond: Future, Present and Past onder redakteurskap van prof Geo Quinot en prof Nicola Smit. Die eerste bundel, onder redaksie van prof Zsa-Zsa Boggenpoel, is getiteld Law, Justice and Transformation. Die reeks word uitgegee deur LexisNexis.
Die gasspreker by die bekendstelling was regter Mbuyiseli Madlanga van die Suid-Afrikaanse Konstitusionele Hof. Regter Madlanga het in sy opmerkings die belangrikheid van regswetenskap beklemtoon om krities met die reg om te gaan en voortdurend te vra of regsreëls en regsproses die strewe na grondwetlike transformasie in Suid-Afrika bevorder. Hy het opgemerk dat baie werk nog gedoen moet word om die Suid-Afrikaanse reg en regsproses, insluitend howe, te verskuif om die transformerende visie van ons Grondwet vir Suid-Afrika ten volle te omhels. Hy het die eerste uitgawe van die reeks verwelkom en opgemerk dat dit ‘n belangrike bydrae tot ons voortdurende transformasiereis maak. Hy het almal, maar veral regsnavorsers en regstudente, aangemoedig om op hierdie pad voort te gaan, en merk op dat daar baie binne die regbank is wat ‘n hoë premie plaas op regsnavorsing wat baie waarde toevoeg tot hul eie werk as regters.
Read more about Law, Justice and Transformation here. | Lees hier meer oor Law, Justice and Transformation.