Extraordinary Professors
Lee Marler
Lee Marler is an English barrister and a member of the Bar of England and Wales. He is the Head of Chambers for Pavocat Chambers, a specialist international law set of barristers (counsel) headquartered in London and which operates globally. Pavocat Chambers is a specialist set focusing on solutions to complex corruption problems faced by States, corporations and individuals around the world; and advancing compliance with international law in time of conflict and dealing subsequently with the consequences of its transgression. Lee is also founder and director of the Pavocat Group, an international business with expertise in all aspects of counter-corruption and international humanitarian law (“IHL”). Pavocat’s purpose is to counter corruption in all its forms and to promote and enhance compliance with IHL. Lee returned to private practice in London in January 2009 having previously led operations at the World Bank Group’s Anti-Corruption Office in Washington D.C. for two years. He is an international law expert who specialises at the Bar in counter-corruption, international organisations, the laws of war, international criminal law, human rights, and the rule of law. He is regularly instructed by governments, multinational companies and individuals. Having been Called to the Bar in 1987 at Lincoln’s Inn, he was commissioned into the Army Legal Corps of the British Army where he rose from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel within ten years. On leaving the Army, he became the Chief of the International Law Division of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in the Gaza Strip and followed that posting with other senior positions within the community of international organisations, including the appointment as the Deputy Chief Compliance Officer for the EBRD in London. He lectures regularly on international law matters, and is co-chair of the International Administrative Law Centre of Excellence, a member of the International Bar Association and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. Lee is also the chair of the board of the Pavocat Stellenbosch Academy, a joint initiative between the Pavocat Group and Stellenbosch University aimed at delivering ‘gold-standard’ short courses in Africa and around the world for professionals operating in the fields of (1) counter-corruption and (2) conflict, whether that conflict is international or non-international in nature.
Lee Marler is ‘n Engelse advokaat en lid van die balie van Engeland en Wallis. Hy is die hoof van Pavocat Chambers, ‘n spesialis -internasionale groep van advokate met hul hoofkwartier in Londen en wat wêreldwyd werksaam is. Pavocat Chambers is ‘n spesialis-groep wat fokus op oplossings vir komplekse korrupsieprobleme waarmee state, korporasies en individue regoor die wêreld te kampe het; en die bevordering van die nakoming van die internasionale reg in tye van konflik en om daarna die gevolge van oortredings te hanteer. Lee is ook stigter en direkteur van die Pavocat Group, ‘n internasionale onderneming met kundigheid in alle aspekte van teenkorrupsie en internasionale humanitêre reg. Pavocat se doel is om korrupsie in al sy vorme teë te werk en om die nakoming van internasionale humanitêre reg te bevorder en te verbeter. Lee het in Januarie 2009 teruggekeer na die privaat praktyk in Londen nadat hy voorheen twee jaar lank bedrywighede by die Wêreldbankgroep se kantoor teen korrupsie in Washington DC gelei het. Hy is ‘n internasionale regskenner wat spesialiseer in teenkorrupsie, internasionale organisasies, oorlogswette, internasionale strafreg, menseregte en die oppergesag van die reg. Hy ontvang gereeld opdragte deur regerings, multinasionale ondernemings en individue. Nadat hy in 1987 by die Lincoln’s Inn tot die balie geroep is, is hy in diens van die Army Legal Corps van die Britse leër, waar hy binne tien jaar van luitenant tot luitenant -kolonel vorder. Toe hy die weermag verlaat, word hy die hoof van die afdeling vir internasionale reg van die Verenigde Nasies se hulp- en werksagentskap in die Gazastrook en volg hy die pos op met ander senior poste binne die gemeenskap van internasionale organisasies, insluitend die aanstelling as die adjunkhoof van nakoming vir die EBRD in Londen. Hy gee gereeld lesings oor aangeleenthede oor volkereg en is medevoorsitter van die International Administrative Law Center of Excellence, lid van die International Bar Association en die British Institute of International and Comparative Law. Lee is ook die voorsitter van die raad van die Pavocat Stellenbosch Academy, ‘n gesamentlike inisiatief tussen die Pavocat Group en die Universiteit Stellenbosch wat daarop gemik is om ‘goue standaard’-kortkursusse in Afrika en oor die hele wêreld te bied vir professionele persone op die gebied van (1) teenkorrupsie en (2) konflik, of die konflik internasionaal of nie-internasionaal van aard is.
Professor Gerhard Kemp
Gerhard Kemp is professor of criminal law at the University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom, and an extraordinary professor in the Department of Public Law, Stellenbosch University. He studied law at the universities of Stellenbosch and Antwerp (Belgium). Gerhard serves on the board of directors and executive committee of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) and is a member of the advisory council of the Crimes Against Humanity Initiative, Whitney R Harris World Law Institute, Washington University (St Louis). He was previously an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar at the Institute for Global Studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland and a senior research fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Berlin. Gerhard is a recipient of the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship. He is a fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) and of the Royal Society for Arts (London). He is an internationally acclaimed (B3) rated researcher (National Research Foundation). In addition to his research, teaching and community involvement, Gerhard is also active in the broader academic community and is the regional editor of the Criminal Law Forum (Springer Press), and serves on the editorial boards of the Zeitschrift für Internationales Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS) and The Journal of Criminal Law (SAGE).
Gerhard Kemp is professor in strafreg aan die Universiteit van West of England, Bristol, in die Verenigde Koninkryk, en ʼn buitengewone professor in die Departement Publiekreg, Stellenbosch Universiteit. Hy het sy regsopleiding aan die universiteite van Stellenbosch en Antwerpen (België) ontvang. Gerhard dien op die direksie en uitvoerende komitee van die Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) en is lid van die adviesraad van die Crimes Against Humanity Initiative, Whitney R Harris World Law Institute, Washington University (St Louis). Hy was voorheen ʼn Erasmus Mundus besoekende akademikus aan die Institute for Global Studies, Universiteit van Wroclaw, Pole, en ʼn senior navorsingsgenoot aan die Robert Bosch Stiftung, Berlyn. Gerhard is ʼn ontvanger van die gesogte Alexander von Humboldt navorsingsgenootskap. Hy is ook ʼn genoot van die Stellenbosch Instituut vir Gevorderde Navorsing (STIAS) en van die Royal Society for Arts (Londen). Hy is ʼn internasionaal erkende navorser (B3) van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting. Gerhard is, benewens sy navorsing, onderrig en gemeenskapsinteraksie, ook aktief in die breër akademiese gemeenskap as streeksredakteur van die Criminal Law Forum (Springer Press). Hy dien verder op die redaksionele adviesrade van die Zeitschrift für Internationales Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS) en The Journal of Criminal Law (SAGE).
Advocate Geoff Budlender
Geoff Budlender SC is a human rights advocate, practising in Cape Town, with clients ranging from the government to social justice organisations. In particular, his areas of practice and expertise include: administrative law, constitutional law, environmental law, housing and land, local government or planning, public procurement and mining. In 1979, he co-founded the Legal Resources Centre, a public interest and human rights legal service for marginalized populations in South Africa. He was the organisation’s national director from 1994-1996, and led its Constitutional Litigation Unit from 2000-2004. From 1996-2000, he was director general of the Department of Land Affairs in the administration of President Nelson Mandela. He has also delivered judgments as an acting judge in the Witwatersrand Local Division, Cape Provisional Division and the Western Cape High Court. He is also the author of numerous publications including, chapters in books and academic articles. Specifically, he also delivered the 9th Annual Human Rights Lecture, organised by the H.F. Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law and the Stellenbosch University Law Faculty, which focused on how the right to equality in the Constitution could be used more effectively to address the systemic inequalities in people’s access to socio-economic rights.
Senior Advokaat Geoff Budlender is ‘n menseregte-advokaat wat in Kaapstad praktiseer, met kliënte wat wissel van die regering tot maatskaplike geregtigheidsorganisasies. Sy spesialiteitsvelde sluit in die besonder, administratiefreg, grondwetgewing, omgewingsreg, behuising en grond, plaaslike regering of beplanning, openbare verkryging en mynbou, in. In 1979 het hy die Legal Resources Centre – ‘n openbare belang en menseregte regsdienste sentrum – vir gemarginaliseerde bevolkings in Suid-Afrika, gestig. Hy was nasionale direkteur van 1994-1996 en het die Constitutional Litigation Unit vanaf 2000-2004 gelei. Van 1996-2000 was hy direkteur-generaal van die Departement van Grondsake van President Nelson Mandela. Hy het ook uitsprake as waarnemende regter in die Witwatersrandse plaaslike afdeling, Kaapse provinsiale afdeling en die Wes-Kaapse Hooggeregshof, gelewer. Hy is ook die skrywer van talle publikasies, insluitend hoofstukke in boeke en akademiese artikels. Hy het ook die negende Jaarlikse Menseregte-lesing gelewer, georganiseer deur die HF Oppenheimer-leerstoel in Menseregte van die Universiteit Stellenbosch Regsfakulteit. Die lesing het gefokus op hoe die reg van gelykheid in die Grondwet doeltreffend aangewend kan word om die sistemiese ongelykhede onder mense se toegang tot sosio-ekonomiese regte, aan te spreek.
Research fellows
Dr Shanelle van der Berg
Dr Shanelle van der Berg’s doctoral work explored questions related to resource allocation in respect of socio-economic rights and a capabilities approach to human-rights analysis in South Africa. She has been member of the Socio-Economic Rights and Administrative Justice research project (SERAJ) based in the Department of Public Law since 2011 as well as a MERC fellow within the Faculty between 2015 and 2017. Dr van der berg has a long list of publications (including numerous articles in the leading journal, South African Journal on Human Rights) and conference papers. She is currently working as a senior researcher at the South African Human Rights Commission.
Dr Shanelle van der Berg se doktorale studie ondersoek die verband tussen die toekenning van hulpbronne ten opsigte van sosio-ekonomiese regte en ʼn vermoënsbenadering tot menseregte-analise in Suid-Afrika. Sy was sedert 2011 lid van die navorsingsprojek “Socio-Economic Rights and Administrative Justice” (SERAJ) wat in die Departement Publiekreg gebaseer is, en ʼn MERC-genoot binne die Fakulteit tussen 2015 en 2017. Dr Van der berg het ʼn lang lys van publikasies (insluitend talle artikels in die toonaangewende tydskrif, South African Journal for Human Rights) en konferensiereferate. Sy werk tans as ʼn senior navorser by die Suid-Afrikaanse Menseregtekommissie.
Dr Elsabe van der Sijde
Dr Elsabe van der Sijde’s doctoral work explored the interaction between the regulation of property and administrative law, an area of particular difficulty and interest in our constitutional system. Her work has uncovered major questions of constitutional adjudicatory methodology. Subsequent to the completion of her doctorate, Dr Van der Sijde worked in the Department and SARCPL as a post-doctoral fellow during 2016 before taking up a position as a clerk at the Constitutional Court. She continued working on these questions and has, for example, co-authored a paper at the annual Administrative Justice Association of South Africa conference in 2017 on these themes.
Dr Van der Sijde se doktorale studie ondersoek die wisselwerking tussen die regulering van eiendomsreg en administratiewe reg, ʼn gebied wat besondere probleme en belangstelling in ons konstitusionele stelsel kweek. Haar werk het belangrike vrae oor konstitusionele beoordelingsmetodologie bloot gelê. Na die voltooiing van haar doktorsgraad het Dr Van der Sijde gedurende 2016 in die Departement en SARCPL as postdoktorale genoot gewerk voordat sy ʼn pos as klerk by die Konstitusionele Hof beklee het. Sy het haar studie voortgesit en het byvoorbeeld as mede-outeur van ʼn referaat vir die jaarlikse konferensie vir Administratiewe Justisie van Suid-Afrika in 2017 oor hierdie temas geskryf.