- Email/E-pos: tmsutu@sun.ac.za
Thala Msutu is a lecturer in the Department of Mercantile Law, joining Stellenbosch University in 2019. He completed his BComm Law and LLB degrees at Stellenbosch University in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Thala was admitted as an attorney after completing his articles in 2019. During his articles, he was one of the contributing editors of the Butterworths Law Reports in Competition Law for 2017 and 2018. In 2016, Thala also completed a vacation work programme at the Competition Tribunal in Pretoria in 2016. His research and teaching interests include competition law, company law and insolvency law. Modules taught Mercantile law 292 Insolvency law 312 Fields of specialisation Insolvency Law, Company Law, Competition Law |
Thala Msutu is ʼn Lektor in die Department Handelsreg, wat in 2019 by die Universiteit Stellenbosch aangesluit het. Hy het sy BComm Regte en LLB grade in 2014 en 2016 aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voltooi. Thala is as prokureur toegelaat nadat hy sy klerkskap in 2019 voltooi het. Tydens sy klerkskap was hy een van die bydraende redakteurs van die Butterworths Law Reports in Competition Law vir 2017 en 2018. Thala het ook ʼn vakansiewerkprogram by die Mededingingstribunaal in Pretoria in 2016 voltooi. Sy navorsing- en onderrigbelangstelling is in mededingingsreg, maatskappyereg en insolvensiereg. Modules aangebied Handelsreg 292 Insolvensiereg 312 Areas van belangstelling Insolvensiereg, Maatskappyereg, Mededingingsreg |