Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service - News from research support services

Month: April 2020

Increase your visibility as a researcher

“Thanks to the internet, we all have our Gutenberg presses and the privileges they accord. For academic institutions, the internet is a largely untapped resource for shaping and sharing scholarly research.”  This quote by Amanda Alampi (in an article in the Guardian) highlight the transformative influence of social media and the internet, which allows researchers “to reach new audiences that previously couldn’t be accessed”.

A great tool to assist you in using researcher profiles and social media to share your research to a wider audience is this “peddle pad” created by the La Trobe Graduate Research School.

Next week the Library will present two ONLINE WORKSHOPS on how to increase your visibility as a researcher (follow the links to register):

Increase the visibility of your research (Tuesday 21 April, 14:00-16:00)

Learn the following:

  • Find and navigate social research networks (ResearchGate,, Mendeley, etc.)
  • Develop research profiles
  • Understand how to increase your visibility as researcher
  • Understand the role of science communication and social media

Enhancing the visibility of your research output through self-archiving (Thursday 23 April, 12:30-13:30)

Learn the following:

  • Understand the purpose of the University’s policy on the self-archiving of research output
  • Learn about the benefits of self-archiving as a means of green open access
  • Better understand publishers’ policies regarding self-archiving
  • Learn about the different versions of research output suitable for self-archiving
  • Learn about the different options of self-archiving research output

You are welcome to contact your librarians if you need any assistance on these topics:

Faculty LibrariansResearch Impact ServicesDigital Scholarship (self-archiving)

COVID-19: Freely available e-resources

You are welcome to view freely available electronic resources in a library guide. Some publishers have lifted restrictions on the use of their material during this period, which are updated regularly in the guide. You will also find links to open access journals and university presses who opened access to their digital books, such as Wits University Press and African Sun Media. The guide also provides links to research related to COVID-19, according to the different publishers who made it available.

Manage your unique author identification with ORCID

Do you want to increase the visibility of your research? Do you want to spend your time on research and not on reporting? Do you have a common name and have problems with distinguishing your research from another with the same name? A persistent name identifier could address these challenges. ORCID  is a persistent, unique, numeric identifier for individual researchers and creators.

The Library will host another online workshop next Wednesday, 15 April (12:30-13:30), to show you how to create your ORCID iD, how to connect it to the Stellenbosch University integration and how to populate it with your publications and other works.

Please register here and the presenter will forward you the information on how to connect to this presentation .