
The three-year BSc-degree programme in GeoInformatics combines the science of geography with Geographical Information Technology, the “science of where” and Computer Science or Socio-Informatics. If followed by a one-year BSc Honours-degree in GeoInformatics, the programme is accredited by the South African Geomatics Profession Act. BSc Honours can lead to  postgraduate Masters’ and PhD studies.


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I don’t take Geography in school, can I still study GeoInformatics?

Absolutely YES!

I didn’t do Computer science in school – is this going to be too difficult for me?

Not at all, but if you are unsure, then consider taking Sosio-Informatics as second major rather than Computer Science. However, we recommend the Computer Science route.

What school subjects do I need to study this degree programme?

You need Physical Sciences (50%) and Mathematics (60% or 70% depending on your module choices). For programme specific admission requirements, consult the Faculty of Science Calendar (Part 5)

Is this the same as astronomy / oceanography / climatology?

No, no and no

Do you work with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)?

