Culture plays a crucial part in every Stellenbosch student’s life. That is why we at Silene PSO try our best to have as many cultural activities available for our ladies to participate in. Some of these activities include Molassesêr, Toneelfees, Kleinsêr, culture groups and culture events.

Molassesêr takes part very early in the year. It consists of a large group of first years from our PSO that walk around and sing to different residences and student communities. The goal isn’t to be musically perfect; it is for the first years to meet new people and to enjoy a fun activity together.

Palesa Festival also takes part very early in the year and speaks to the actresses among you. We will pair up with another residence or community to compete in the Palesa competition. 

SU Acapella is the main culture event at Stellenbosch University and takes part a bit later in the year. Groups consisting of a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 people from all the different residences and student communities on campus compete by singing an arrangement of prescribed songs. The event takes place in the Endler Music Hall, and tickets are open to the whole of campus.

Not all of us like to sing, dance and act but still appreciate some cultural activities. Throughout the year we will have a culture group that will attend a minimum of 4 culture events our campus has to offer.  Some of these events might include watching the University’s Choir during one of their lunch hour concerts or going to support our ser group in one of their performances. Another thing we try to do is organise culture events such as old movie screenings and quiz nights to act as a small distraction from the busy academic schedule university has to offer.