Global Perspectives on Open Research: Seminar with Dr Leslie Chan

The Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme in collaboration with OpenUCT and the UCT Research Office invite you to a seminar and discussion with Dr Leslie Chan of the University of Toronto, a leading global specialist in open access publishing. The seminar will focus on global trends in new modes of scholarly communication and on the interface with open educational approaches.

Dr Chan is Program Supervisor for the International Development Studies Program at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, and the Director of Bioline International, a not-for-profit publisher that provides open access to quality journals published in the developing world. He participated in the drafting and was a co-signatory of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and is a co-author of OpenOasis, the standard reference on open access policy and implementation.

Dr Chan serves on the Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme Advisory Panel and is committed to engaging in new modes of scholarly publishing, human capacity building and international cooperation.

Date: Friday 5 August 2011
Time: 11-1pm
Venue: Seminar Room, Research Office, 2 Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray.
(Parking available at Shoprite rooftop parking. Note that a light lunch will be served.)

This is an open event. Please pass the invitation on to any colleagues who might like to attend. Kindly RSVP to by Friday 29 July.
For more detail on the Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme, see

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