Welcome to SUNScholar News/ Nuus!

Hi everybody

This informal blog will be used to document important information re our research repository, SUNScholar. It offers many advantages e.g. just refer people to a URL instead of trying to find an e-mail which contained the necessary information, and many others. This blog is hosted by the Stellenbosch University, in addition to many other blogs (not one looks the same). I was made aware of this tool by Hilton Gibson (many thanks Hilton).

For now I would like you to comment on the new Help Page for SUNeTD (current repository for all theses & dissertations).

Afrikaans: http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/afr/index.htm
English: http://library.sun.ac.za/etd/index.htm

Please forward errors, problems, experienced etc. to scholar@sun.ac.za Otherwise you are welcome to post a comment in the “Comments” box below the posting.

I would also like to extend my thanks to each and every faculty member/ official/ secretary for their help re the submission of the theses and dissertations for the March 2010 graduation. You are doing a great job and it is a privilege to work with such a team!

With kind regards,


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