On Wednesday 22 May 2024, a lively group of home-schooled children, aged 8 to 15, gathered for a fun-filled event dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of ants. The event, titled Ant-omology Adventures, was held on International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) and aligned perfectly with this year’s IDB theme, ‘Part of the Plan’.
The activities for the day introduced the youngsters to ant diversity and emphasized the important role ants play in ecosystems, illustrating how even the smallest creatures are crucial to the health of our environment. By taking part in the activities, the children played their ‘Part of the Plan‘ by learning more about biodiversity.
The day began with an engaging introduction to the incredible variety of species found in the Western Cape. The children learned about the various roles ants play in their habitats, from soil aeration to seed dispersion. Hands-on activities were a significant part of the day, designed to immerse the children in the study of ants. Equipped will all kinds of insect catching tools and ecstatic energy, the young participants ventured into the grounds at the Soetwater Environmental Education Centre in Cape Town to observe ants in their natural environment and to collect various species.
Using tablets and mobile phones, they carefully documented evidence of ants, noticing nests, behaviour and interactions with other invertebrates. The highlight of the day was the utilisation of digital microscopes that allowed the children to observe the insects up close. The day concluded with an artistic activity, where the children had to draw an picture of an ant from their own perspective.
At the end of the day the children shared their newfound respect for ants and other often-overlooked creatures. This interactive and educational experience left a lasting impression, reinforcing the idea that everyone has a role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.
The United Nations proclaimed 22 May as International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness around biodiversity related issues. The day was designated to commemorate the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity on 22 May 1992.