Prof Charles GielenKleur-2

Extraordinary Professor

Fellow of Intellectual Property Law

Tel: +27(0) 21 808 9371



Professor Charles Gielen, PhD holds a law degree from the Catholic University of Brabant in Tilburg and a doctorate degree from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

He is a partner of the Dutch law firm NautaDutilh and works in their Amsterdam office. He is professor of IP law at the University of Groningen. He specialises in intellectual property law. He mainly handles patent and trademark litigation. In trademark matters he acts for Diageo Plc., L’Oreal, the LVMH Group, Intel, Coca-Cola, BMW, Burberry and Lego. In patent matters he handled litigation for Pharmacia, Aventis Pharma, Medtronic and Global Biochem Technology.

He has published several books and articles on subjects involving intellectual property law (in particular patent and trademark law) and is a member of editorial boards responsible for publishing law reviews on intellectual property and competition law such as the European Intellectual Property Review, the European Trademark Reports and “Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht”. He is also member of the standing advisory committee to the Dutch government on trademark and design law.

He is past-President of the “Vereniging voor Intellectuele Eigendom” (, the Dutch group of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI; ) and forms part of the Executive Committee of this Association. He chairs the Program Committee of AIPPI and is past co-chairman of the Working Committee of Q 114 (Biotechnology including plant breeders rights).

He is past member of the Board of Directors and its Executive Committee of the International Trademark Association (INTA; He is also past President of the International League of Competition Law (LIDC). He is member of the Board of the anticounterfeiting organisation SNB-REACT in Amsterdam.

On November 8, 2006 he received INTA’ s President Award for outstanding service to the International Trademark Association. On October 6, 2007 the Council of Presidents of AIPPI appointed him Member of Honour of AIPPI for outstanding contributions to and an extraordinary engagement for the fulfilment of the aims of the Association. In 2009 he was appointed member of honour of the Vereniging voor Intellectuele Eigendom.

Chambers Global 2006: ”one of the most esteemed lawyers” in the IP-field. In the Chambers Global Guide 2008 and the Chambers Europe Guide 2008 he is revered as the icon of trade mark law in the Netherlands. The International Who’s Who of Business lawyers 2008 under Trademarks: ”The Netherlands hosts the highest polling lawyer in Europe: Charles Gielen of NautaDutilh received more votes than any lawyer here, is “very well known” for his litigation and academic work.”

Prof Gielen was the first speaker of the Annual Intellectual Property Law Public Lecture at Stellenbosch University in 2013 and a frequent guest lecturer in the LLM (IP Law) and PGDip (IP Law) programmes.  Prof Gielen has been appointed as Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Mercantile Law at Stellenbosch University from 2014.



“Kwekersrecht”, Zwolle 1983 (Book on plant breeders rights)

“Merkenrecht”, Zwolle 1991 (Treatise on Benelux trademark law written with L. Wichers Hoeth)

“Volghende het rechte oordeel van redene”, Zwolle 1994 (introduction of the chair in intellectual property law at the University of Groningen dealing with the relation between private law and intellectual property law)

Editor in chief with Prof. Dr D.W.F. Verkade of “Tekst & Commentaar Intellectuele Eigendom” an article by article commentary on all Dutch and Benelux IP-laws, Deventer 2009, 3rd edition 2009

Bescherming van bedrijfsgeheimen, Zwolle 1999 (Protection of Trade Secrets)

Kort Begrip van het Benelux merkenrecht, Kluwer 2006 (Introductory book on Benelux Trade Mark law)

Editor in chief and co-author of the tenth edition of “Drucker Bodenhausen Wichers Hoeth, Kort begrip van het intellectuele eigendomsrecht”, Deventer, 2011 (Dutch introductory textbook on intellectual property law)



Le droit des obtentions végétales aux Pays-Bas, Editions Jupiter 1980

Les licences de marques et l’article 85 de Traité de Rome, Revue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence, 1981, nr. 3, p. 2

Burberry’s checked Pattern: is it a Trademark?, Trademark World, May 1992

Better protection of Service Marks in the Benelux?, [1986] EIPR 79

License, assign, but don’t endanger your trademark; Benelux, European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), Reports nr. 4, 1987, p. 15

The Repression of Counterfeiting, Revue Internationale du Droit de la Concurrence 1987, nr. 152, p. 8

New Copyright Law of Indonesia – Implications for Foreign Investment, [1998] EIPR 101

Harmonisation of Trade Mark Law in Europe: The First Trade Mark Harmonisation Directive, [1992] EIPR 262

First Europe-wide Biotech Patent Injunction: Applied Research Systems v. Organon; Kirin-Amgen v. Boeringer Mannheim 1994 [EIPR] 243 (co-author)

L’étendue territoriale des jugements prononcés par les tribunaux des pays du Benelux en matière des marques, Jura Vigilantibus for Antoine Braun, Brussels 1994 (co-author)

Three-Dimensional Marks in Europe, Trademark World, 1996, 31

La dénomination de la spécialité: les instruments internationaux de protection des obtentions végétales, in Droit Communautaire et Médicament, Paris 1996

Likelihood of Association: what does it mean?, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, 1996, p. 105

The Benelux Trademark Act: A Guide to Trademark Law in Europe, [1996] The Trademark Reporter 543 (co-author)

European Trade Mark Legislation: The Statements, [1996] EIPR 83

Likelihood of Association, in European Community Trade Mark, Kluwer Law International 1997

Benelux chapter in Famous and Well Known Marks, Butterworths 1997, 2nd edition 2004

Benelux chapter in European Trade Mark Litigation Handbook, Sweet & Maxwell 1998

WIPO and Unfair Competition, [1997] EIPR 78

A Benelux Perspective: Sabel v. Puma, [1998] EIPR 109

Biotechnology and compulsory licenses,

Litigating Patents in The Netherlands, Procedure and Cross-Border Effects; where do we stand? [1998] Patent World 27

The patient and indirect patent infringement, 1999

Design Protection and Unfair Competition, in Essays in Honour of Herman Cohen Jehoram, Kluwer law International, Deventer 1998

The Monopoly Anomaly, [2001] IP Worldwide 62

The relevance of “Association” for Trade Mark Conflicts, Harmonisierung des Markenrechts, Festschrift für Alexander von Mühlendahl, Carl Heymans Verlag 2005, p. 207

On the limitations of rights under European Trade Mark Law, Festschrift für Jochen Pagenberg, Carl Heymans Verlag 2006, p. 129

Patent Litigation in The Netherlands, European Lawyer Reference Series, p. 219

Chapter on Trade Secrets Law in The Netherland in Trade Secrets Law around the World, ed. Mel Jager, 2011

adidas v. Marca II, Undue Limitations of Trade Mark Owner’s Rights by European Court of Justice (co-author), [2008] EIPR 254

Trade Secrets and Patent Litigation, Festschrift zum 70e Geburtstag Prof. Dr. Joseph Strauss, p. 391

Fictive Manufacturing under European Law, the Battle against Counterfeiting and Piracy continues (co-author), [2009] Trademark World #214, p. 43

On Adwords and Metatags: Trademark Implications in the Benelux and in the Rest of Europe, Homenaje a Alberto de Elzaburu, Estudios sobre Propriepad Industrial e Intellectual, Grupo Espagnol del AIPPI, 2009

Keyword advertising and European Trade Mark Law, Nov. 2010

Genuine Use of Community Trade Mark: Where?, 2011 [EIPR] 48

Trademark Dilution in the European Union, Chapter 10 in International Trademark Dilution, Ed. Daniel R. Bereskin, Q.C., Westlaw 2013

Substantial Value Rule; How it came into Being and Why it Should be Abolished, 2014 [EIPR] 164



Click here for a full list of Prof Gielen’s publications and full text links.