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IT takes to the airwaves

The days when the Information Technology department was an unreachable, distant entity on the other side of Banghoek Road, are long gone. Since 2010 we’ve been pulling out all the stops and making an extra effort to ensure that there’s ample communication and interaction with all our clients and users on campus.

At the beginning of September (i.e. next week) we’re shaking winter’s dust from our shoes and entering yet another new era of communication. In future IT will no longer only reach you by e-mail, but also through MFM’s radio waves.

With an audience of 30 000 listeners between the ages of 14 and 28, there’s no doubt that IT will reach a much younger market, in particular students. This new means of communication provides us with the opportunity to speak to a larger portion of our users on campus and to get more involved with student issues.

So, from next week Tuesday at 11:45 there will be a bi-weekly special IT slot on MFM during the AM-PM-show. Since Bits & Bytes is steadily becoming an established brand, the slot will also be known as Bits & Bytes.

Bits & Bytes on air won’t merely be another institutional mouthpiece to promote IT, but rather an opportunity to discuss all kinds of technological developments. Students and staff will also be given the opportunity to ask questions via our Twitter feed and we’ll do our best to answer them on air.
We’re looking forward to our debut in radio coming Tuesday and hope you lend us your ears on 3 September at 11:45. Click here to listen to MFM live.



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