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SUNid- the facts


SUNid is the first and an important building block of identity and access management (IAM). External workers and visitors are registered on this system. Previously this task was completed by Human Resources, but it has been decentralised and departments are now responsible for external workers and visitors themselves. 

No, Human Resources are only contacted for staff who are on the university’s pay roll.    

Where do I start if I have to register an external worker/visitor on SUNid?

  1. The head of your department has to send an e-mail to to indicate which staff are allowed to act as Approvers on the SUNid system.
  2. This automatically logs a request on IT’s request system.
  3. IT Service Desk creates the head of the department as a Sponsor on SUNid and the staff member(s) indicated as the person responsible for the creation of external workers and visitors, as the Approver(s) on SUNid.

What should I, as Approver, do now?
Go to and sign on with your username and password.

The following screen will appear:                                



Where do I start if I have to create an external worker/visitor on SUNid?
Click on Search for Identity and, if available, preferably type in the SU number, otherwise the ID number.


As soon as the Identity is located, the rest of the information will be completed on the screen.

  • Click Next.
  • Complete all the required, red fields on the next screen.  
  • Click Create/Edit Engagement.
  • Make sure that all the information is filled in correctly.
  • Click on Send For Approval.

What will the external worker/visitor receive now?
The new external worker will receive a SU number, as well as a role as external worker.

What is the next step for the external worker/visitor?
The external worker can go to the card office in Administration A to get a photo and receive their SU card.

Does an external worker/visitor have automatic access to e-mail and internet?
No. Access to electronic systems is a separate request. You can apply by completing this form

What does “This new identity is already known outside SUNid – probably a permanent employee.”, mean when I’m trying to create an external worker on SUNid? 
The person already has a role assigned to him, so you can’t create another one. Make sure all the information is completed correctly, especially the dates of the Engagement. If it still doesn’t solve the problem, contact the IT Service Desk at 0218084367 or send an e-mail to

For which period of time can I register an external worker/visitor?
New Engagements can be created for a maximum period of 12 months, but also for as little as seven days. Just make sure Engagement dates don’t overlap. Each Engagement needs to have an unique start and end date. 

Can an external worker/visitor’s information be edited and where can I find this?
Yes, the following options are available:

Edit Attributes

Click on Maintain Identities to edit information.

And click on Search Engagements.
Is there a difference between annual reactivation for electronic services and the expiration of external worker/visitor roles? 
Yes, reactivation should be done annually before 31 March. Roles of external workers/visitors can expire any time of the year depending on when they were created. 

Should external workers/visitors also be reactivated for electronic services if they use them? 
Yes, will send out reminder e-mails which should not be ignored. Although these e-mails indicate that a username will expire shortly, this could also include the expiration of a role.  

How can one be sure reactivation for electronic services has been done?
Log on at and select:


At the bottom, on the right, an Expiration date will be indicated. If the date is indicated as –

 reactivation for 2014 has been completed. 

How can one be sure the role of an external worker/visitor is in order?
The Approver can sign on at SUNid and use the Search for Engagement option to check whether the person’s role is active. 

Where can I find more information on SUNid?
Visit our wiki  for a detailed description of the process. Previous articles on SUNid can also be found on our blog.


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