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Spam attack on Faculty of Health Sciences email

Staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences have been getting mails regarding the end of the world with the subject line: “” sent from someone called Sherrell Price-Watts.

This person or group is busy combing the  webpages of the university (currently the Faculty of Health Sciences site)  and capturing all the mail addresses of department heads, personal assistants etc. and sending them mail pointing them to this site. This sort of “spam attack” is both a nuisance and has some serious security risks.

Here is a quick method to filter this sort of nonsense out of your mailbox quickly and efficiently. Is as follows: (Using Outlook 2010, but Office 2007’s method is almost the same) Click on the Home tab and then Rules…Create Rule… If the “offending mail was highlighted in your [InBox] it will fill in some of the possible filters like “who is it from” and “Subject” etc. Select the filter you want to impose (I suggest work on the Subject Line with the “www.getout ofjailfree…“) Then click on the “Move the item to folder” option and then select “Deleted Items” and OK. The filter is now set and will be filtered out of your mailbox and deleted as soon as it appears.

(Information supplied by David Wiles, GERGA)


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