There are various ways to contact IT if your PC is giving you a hard time. Most of you know you can contact the IT Service desk at 808 4367 to report a technical error, but you can also send an e-mail to
To successfully log a call, the Service Desk needs the following information:
1. A description of the problem
2. Phone number
3. Room number
4. Department and building
5. Asset number of the PC, laptop, printer, etc.
A request will automatically be logged in the IT request system and a reference number will be sent to you via e-mail. This reference number can be used if you need to make an inquiry about the status of your call.
If you’d like to check the status of your request, you can go to and log on with your username and password.
Click on the relevant CallID displayed on the list.
Status will indicate the progress of the request.
Solved and Closed statuses indicates that the request has been completed.*
Responded indicates an IT technician is aware of the request and has contacted the user by phone or e-mail.
Acknowledged indicates an IT technician is aware of the request, but the user hasn’t been contacted yet.
*If the technician has already contacted the user unsuccessfully three times, whether by phone or e-mail or if a call has been open for at least a week, it will be automatically closed. In this case an e-mail will be sent to notify the user.
Take note that a second e-mail, can ONLY be used for general IT related inquiries. This e-mail address does not automatically log your call on the system and therefore, you’re not guaranteed your problem will receive the urgent attention you require. Rather send mail to in this case.
IT can also be contacted via Skype (handle = ITStellenUni) for inquiries.
Inquiries such as “How do I apply for an IT service?”, “What are the purchasing procedures?”, etc. can be sent to Questions will be answered by e-mail.
Alternatively you can log your fault at
More information on the various options can be found on the IT wiki.