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Fix for network access problem

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017

Some users will experience network problems since yesterday afternoon. Outlined below, is the easiest way to fix the problem.


1.       Click Start menu button

2.       Type “firewall.cpl” , then enter – this open the firewall options.

3.       Click on “Turn Windows Firewall on or off”

4.       Then Click “Turn off Windows Firewall” at every options



5.       Click “OK” to set these options.

6.       Now you should see your network return.

7.       Restart your PC, after which you have to go back to your firewall, and turn it on

8.       Click “Turn on Windows Firewall” at every option

9.       Click “OK” to set option.

Network installations: status and procedures

Friday, February 5th, 2016

Due to a great demand for networkpoints in 2015, as well as the start of the ICT Network Improvement Project, a backlog in providing networkpoints developed.

Consequently Information Technology and Facilities Management were compelled to review the process. To create a larger capacity, we will also use external consultants and contractors to facilitate network installations.

KKW procedures for network points
At the end of 2015, KKWs not processed, could have been cancelled. Therefore, it might be necessary to submit another KKW if you still need a network installation. To establish if a KKW request is active or has been cancelled, send the KKW number to and we will answer your query as soon as possible.

On the basis of the KKW, Facilities management will generate a work order for IT requesting the networkpoint installation. IT will then appoint a consultant to investigate and coordinate the installation.

Issues with existing networkpoints still have to be logged at the IT Service Desk. More information on network installation procedure.

We are confident that this new process will lead to a more satisfactory service.

US network upgrade improves collaboration

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

 The University of Stellenbosch (US), ranked second in South Africa and 455 worldwide, has recently undergone a massive IT refurbishment putting it on the map amongst higher educational institutes as it enables students, researchers and academics better access to its central network.

Read the rest of this article on IT Online.


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