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Phishing: PSG “Your profile details will expire”

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

There is currently a phishing email making the rounds claiming to be from PSG Wealth.

Be on the lookout for an email requesting you to update your personal information, as your PSG online “profile details will expire”. The link redirects users to a page that looks like the PSG securities trading website, but is a clever forgery.

PSG have assured us that they will never send you an email asking to provide sensitive information online. So it is important to check the validity of any such emails before you respond to requests like these.

Below is an example of one such mail:

There are 3 obvious signs that this mail is fraudulent:

  • The sender´s email address (`from´ address) is disguised to look like it comes from PSG Wealth. The message is actually sent from a different address that does not match our PSG email addresses (using an address instead of an address).
  • The recipient is not specified.
  • The website link provided is not to a PSG domain address and the website is not indicated as being secure. (no little padlock icon or https: in the URL)

What should you do if you have already provided your details in responding to this phishing scam?

If you responded to such an email, login to your account by typing into your browser window and reset your password immediately.

Continue to monitor your account for any unauthorised transactions and alert PSG immediately if you note any suspicious transactions.

Avoid becoming a victim in future: (This applies to all phishing scams, not just this fraudulent scam)

  • Type in website addresses – do not follow links embedded in emails.
  • Do not reuse passwords, especially for financial sites. 
  • Do not click on attachments, unless you know who they are from and are expecting the document in question.
  • Never part with your login details.

If you are not sure that a request for information is legitimate, rather contact the company to verify its authenticity.


Report the spam/phishing mail to the following addresses: and 

Attach the phishing or suspicious mail on to the message if possible. There is a good tutorial on how to do this at the following link (which is safe) :
1. Start up a new mail addressed to  (CC:
2. Use the Title “SPAM” (without quotes) in the Subject.
3. With this New Mail window open, drag the suspicious spam/phishing mail from your Inbox into the New Mail Window. It will attach the mail as an enclosure and a small icon with a light yellow envelope will appear in the attachments section of the New Mail.
4. Send the mail.

[Article by David Wiles]

Be cyberaware during the holiday period

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

The time has come for everyone to take a well-deserved break and spend time with friends and family. From 22 December at 12:00 until 1 January Information Technology offices will be closed and no user support will be provided.

However, just because we’re on holiday it doesn’t mean fraudsters, opportunists and cybercriminals will also take a break. On the contrary, this is the ideal time for them to scam you out of your hard-earned money.

We’d like to remind you to be especially vigilant over the holiday season by following these guidelines when receiving emails or conducting online transactions:

  • We will never ask for your username and password. Don’t divulge your username and/or password if being asked via email. By doing this, you are giving someone access to all your confidential SU information, including salary details.
  • Do not click on any attachments, even if the address is a sun email address. If you are unsure, contact the person first to confirm.
  • Do not click on a website address given in an email. Rather go to your browser and type the correct address in the address bar.
  • Never conduct any transactions on a public, unprotected WiFi connection.
  • If you are unsure of the legitimacy of an email, contact the institution or person it was sent from directly by phone to confirm.

For further assistance email or call our Service Desk at 808 4367. More information on cybersecurity can be found on our blog and Twitter account.

Phishing: Email from “Stellenbosch University Helpdesk”

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017

This morning’s spear-phishing attack comes in the form of a fake mail from “HelpDesk” about an alleged “Email Update”

The spear-phishing mail is as follows:

“Notice From Stellenbosch University HelpDesk: 

In an effort to increase the level of security for our  email accounts User, We are implementing a new email password policy for your protection. If you have not update your password recently click here: to update your password or your e-mail will be temporarily  suspended .

Thanks for your co-operation.”

This is, of course, a phishing scam and you shouldn’t consider it as legitimate even though it allegedly comes from the “Helpdesk”.

The poor grammar, lack of official branding and threatening tone of the mail makes it a classic phishing scam, but with the added danger of students and personnel falling for it because of the  salutation “Notice from the Stellenbosch University HelpDesk:”

We have already blocked access to the server, but there is a high risk that users who are currently on holiday and accessing university mail through their ADSL internet connections or cell phone, will still have access to the scammer’s server and will be fooled by the “forged” login page and provide the scammers with their usernames and passwords. If this happens the scammers will gain control over the personnel or student account and continue their attack from “within” the university network.

Always send the spam/phishing mail to the following addresses: and

 Attach the phishing or suspicious mail on to the message if possible. There is a good tutorial on how to do this at the following link (which is safe) :

  1. Start up a new mail addressed to (CC:
  2. Use the Title “SPAM” (without quotes) in the Subject.
  3. With this New Mail window open, drag the suspicious spam/phishing mail from your Inbox into the New Mail Window. It will attach the mail as an enclosure and a small icon with a light yellow envelope will appear in the attachments section of the New Mail.
  4. Send the mail.


If you did click on the link of this phishing spam and unwittingly give the scammers your username, e-mail address and password you should immediately go to and change the passwords on ALL your university accounts (making sure the new password is completely different, and is a strong password that will not be easily guessed.) as well as changing the passwords on your social media and private e-mail accounts (especially if you use the same passwords for these accounts.)

IT has set up a website page with useful information on how to report and combat phishing and spam. The address is: As you can see the address has a at the end of the domain name, so it is legitimate. 

Phishing scam targeting Apple users

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

If you are the owner of an Apple product like an iPhone, iPad or MacBook and have an AppleID, then please be aware of a phishing scam currently making the rounds. It targets university personnel (using university usernames – including student numbers)

The subject lines will be “Account Suspension Notification” or “Account Activity Notification” and will tell you that because AppleID account has been logged in from “multiple locations and different countries” your account has been suspended, and you need to log in using your AppleID to reactivate your account on Apple.

Now, if you don’t have an Apple product, this would be something to ignore and spot as a phishing scam, but if you do have an Apple product you might *panic* and click on the link.

This is exactly what the scammers want you to do. You would be taken to a forged website that looks like the Apple Login page and asked to type in your Apple ID username and password. That is what the scammers are after! They can then access your real AppleID account and steal information, credit cards details etc.

  1. Don’t open links inside emails, especially if you’re not 100% sure who sent it.
  2. if you’re about to click on a link from a company as reputable as Apple, It will always have a customer service department you can contact. You can ask if Apple has sent you a link requesting updated contact information. Or better yet, log into your Apple account; click on the Manage My Apple ID tab, to make sure your information is up to date.
  3. Ensure you have up-to-date antivirus and malware/anti-phishing software installed on your computer.

[Article by David Wiles]

Phishing attack with subject: “Re-Validate”

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

With the graduation just around the corner and most students already on holiday, and many of our colleagues already taking a well-deserved break, and collectively we all tend to be a little less vigilant.

The end of the year vacation period is generally a time when phishing attacks on our email accounts drop, and it is speculated that the phishers know there are significantly fewer employees working during the holidays, so there are fewer opportunities for targeted users to actually open malicious attachments.

However spear-phishing attacks increase when the Information technology and “cyber-security”  centres of large enterprises like the university security operations are lightly staffed or understaffed. The scammers know that there is a greater chance for them to gain access to accounts via spear-phishing as the “watchdogs” are fewer.

What is spear-phishing?

Spear-phishing is a targeted form of phishing in which fraudulent emails are sent to specific individuals at an institution like the university in an effort to gain access to confidential information. Often a trustworthy entity is impersonated that uses “urgent” language to requesting sensitive information or actions.

[In August this year the MacEwan University in Canada was targeted when a series of fraudulent emails convinced MacEwan University staff to change electronic banking information for one of the university’s major vendors, resulting in $11.8 million being transferred to criminals.]

The following spear-phishing e-mail is appearing in some student and personnel accounts and it seems to be targeting university accounts specifically as the salutation is a personal name: (in this case your e-mail address, or in some cases your display name in e-mail e.g Wiles, David <>

The mail will look like this:


From: Zimbra <>
Sent: 01 December 2017 22:15
To: Your Own name <>
Subject: Re-Validate

Dear , 
Your account has exceeded it quota limit as set by Administrator, and you may not be able to send or receive new mails until you Re-Validate your account. 
To Re-Validate account, Please CLICK: Re-Validate Account
If you click on the link you will be taken to a website that will show the following login window where you will be asked to fill in your personal details and password. Once this happen the spear-phishers will have gained control over your email account and will proceed to locate more sensitive information like other e-mail addresses and bank account details, for example. Your e-mail account will then be used to attack other university accounts.

Please be aware of this spear-phishing scam. No university department or division will ever ask you for passwords via e-mail.



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