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Toeter vs Twitter

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Regular KykNet viewers are by now well aware of the first, and so far only, Afrikaans social network with the quirky name,  toeter.

toeter’s claims to be “Haas Das se nuuskas”, Antie Stienie’s stoep, Nommer Asseblief’s switch board and the tannie next door gossiping over the gardencrete wall. It’s the note passed on under the desk in class and, the cat being let out of the bag and the fast spreading rumour no-one van put an end to.

There’s no lack of creative marketing, that’s for sure. According to founder,  Frans Roelofse, toeter can potentially draw one million users and has a marketing value of R450 million. Which might also explain why Afrikaans TV channel KykNet decided to support the platform and become toeter’s media partner.

toeter is a social network exclusively for everyone speaking Afrikaans – all ages, races, religions or political orientations. Just know, if you don’t adhere to their rules and misuse the platform, you will be hearing from them.

In principle toeter works exactly the same as Twitter, only in Afrikaans. It has the same functionality with a time line and also uses the @ to address other users. The well-known hash tag (#) also makes its appearance here. Users might initially have some trouble getting used to the more creative, Afrikaans terms in comparison to Twitter.

At first glance toeter presents itself as an effective social platform with all the necessary functionality. Unfortunately due to it’s exclusivity as an Afrikaans social network it’s also somewhat limiting and you won’t get as much mileage from it as with the well-established Twitter.

But try it at and let us know what you think. It’s also already available for the iPhone-, Blackberry- and Android platforms.


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