Josie Parks

Attorney/ProkureurJosie Parks

LLB (Stell)





Josie Parks joined the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic in June of 2021. She obtained her LLB Degree from Stellenbosch University in 2016 whereafter she concluded the LSSA Lead School for Legal Practice through the University of Cape Town in 2017. She was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court in March of 2020. Josie assists clients with Family Law related matters such as divorces, maintenance applications and protection orders for domestic violence. Josie is very passionate about assisting final year law students at the Law Clinic with advice as well as mentoring candidate attorneys who are currently completing their articles at the Clinic.

Fields of specialisation 

Family Law


Josie Parks het in Junie 2021 by die Universiteit Stellenbosch Regskliniek aangesluit. Sy het in 2016 haar LLB-graad aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch verwerf, waarna sy in 2017 die “Lead School for Legal Practice” (LSSA) deur die Universiteit van Kaapstad voltooi het. Sy is toegelaat as ʼn prokureur van die Hooggeregshof in Maart 2020. Josie help kliënte met familiereg-verwante aangeleenthede soos egskeidings, onderhoudsaansoeke en beskermingsbevele vir gesinsgeweld. Josie is baie passievol om finalejaar-regsstudente by die Kliniek met advies te ondersteun asook om kandidaatprokureurs te mentor wat tans hul kandidaatskap by die Kliniek voltooi.


Areas van belangstelling

