Rukshana Parker

Lecturer | Dosent







Rukshana Parker obtained her BSocSci degree in Public Policy & Administration, LLB and LLM from the University of Cape Town where she was an Oppenheimer scholar. She is an admitted South African attorney and worked at Norton Rose Fulbright, a global law firm, where she focused on employment law, insurance litigation, competition law, and property law. Rukshana also served as a policy analyst to former heads of state in east and southern Africa. Rukshana Parker het haar BSocSci-graad in Openbare Beleid en Administrasie, LLB en LLM aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad verwerf waar sy ‘n Oppenheimer-skolier was. Sy is ‘n toegelate Suid-Afrikaanse prokureur en het by Norton Rose Fulbright, ‘n wêreldwye regsfirma, gewerk waar sy op diensreg, versekeringslitigasie, mededingingsreg en eiendomsreg gefokus het. Rukshana het ook as ‘n beleidsontleder vir voormalige staatshoofde in Oos- en Suider-Afrika gedien.

Fields of specialisation

Law of succession, administration of estates, and trust law.

Areas van belangstelling

Erfreg, boedelbereddering en trustreg.

Modules taught

Private Law 273

Civil Procedure 317

Modules aangebied

Privaatreg 273

Siviele Prosesreg 317

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