Christine Strauss

Lecturer | Dosent

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Christine Strauss joined the Faculty of Law as a lecturer in the Department of Mercantile Law in 2024. Ms Strauss completed her Honours degree in Human Genetics before obtaining her 3-year postgraduate LLB at Stellenbosch University in 2017. Ms Strauss completed her articles of clerkship at Adams & Adams and was admitted as a Legal Practitioner (Attorney) in 2020. She qualified as a Trade Mark Practitioner (SAIIPL) in 2021 and worked in private practice, specialising in intellectual property until 2022 before pursuing a career in academia. In 2023, Ms Strauss obtained her LLM in Law, Science and Technology at Stanford University (USA) as a FirstRand Laurie Dippenaar Scholar. Ms Strauss is currently doing a Doctor of Laws (LLD) at Stellenbosch University.

Fields of  specialisation

Law, Science & Technology, Intellectual Property Law


Christine Strauss het in 2024 as ‘n dosent in die Departement Handelsreg by die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid aangesluit. Me Strauss het haar Honneursgraad in Mensgenetika voltooi voordat sy haar 3-jaar nagraadse LLB aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch in 2017 verwerf het. Me Strauss het haar klerkskap by Adams & Adams voltooi en is in 2020 as ‘n Regspraktisyn (Prokureur) toegelaat. Sy het in 2021 as ‘n Handelsmerkpraktisyn (SAIIPL) gekwalifiseer en in privaat praktyk gewerk en tot 2022 in intellektuele eiendom gespesialiseer voordat sy ‘n loopbaan in die akademie begin het. In 2023 het me Strauss haar LLM in Regte, Wetenskap en Tegnologie aan die Stanford Universiteit (VSA) verwerf as ‘n FirstRand Laurie Dippenaar Scholar. Me Strauss is tans besig met ‘n doktorsgraad in die regte (LLD) aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch.

Areas van belangstelling

Regte, Wetenskap en Tegnologie, Intellektuele Eiendomsreg