New Journal launched

The African Public Procurement Regulation Research Unit (APPRRU) based at Stellenbosch University is proud to announce the launch of the African Public Procurement Law Journal to stimulate and foster academic engagement and debate in the field of public procurement law and regulation on the African continent. The Journal is the first platform devoted exclusively to research into public procurement law in Africa and will be published with open access online by APPRRU.

The APPLJ will publish contributions online on a continuous basis and in consolidated form twice a year – in June and December. It will publish high quality peer-reviewed papers on themes and sub-themes relevant to procurement law and regulation in Africa. The Journal intends to make widely accessible, information on African public procurement law, regulation and policy and provide readers with scholarly and in-depth analysis on the same. The Journal is aimed at a diverse audience of academics, practitioners, regulators, policy makers, government officials and students.

More information can be found HERE


Die African Public Procurement Regulation Research Unit (APPRRU), gesetel by Stellenbosch Universiteit, is trots om ‘n nuwe regsjoernaal, die African Public Procurement Law Journal (APPLJ) bekend te stel. Die joernaal is daarop gemik om navorsing en debat in die veld van staatsverkrygingsreg in Afrika aan te moedig. Dit is die eerste platform van sy soort spesifiek gemik op navorsing in staatsverkrygingsreg in Afrika en sal aanlyn met oop toegang deur APPRRU gepubliseer word.

Die APPLJ sal bydraes op ‘n deurlopende basis aanlyn publiseer met twee gekonsolideerde uitgawes per jaar – in Junie en Desember. Dit sal kwaliteit eweknie-beoordeelde akademiese bydraes publiseer wat handel met temas en subtemas relevant tot staatsverkrygingsreg in Afrika. Die Joernaal wil inligting oor staatsverkrygingsreg, -regulasie en -beleid in Afrika aan ‘n wye gehoor beskikbaar stel en lesers van in-diepte akademiese kommentaar op daardie materiaal verskaf. Die Joernaal is gemik op ‘n diverse groep lesers wat insluit akademici, praktisyns, administrateurs, beleidmakers en studente.

Vir meer inligting kliek HIER

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