Medeprofessor | Associate Professor
LLB, LLM, LLD (Stell)
Dr Delano Cole van der Linde is a senior lecturer in the Department of Public Law at Stellenbosch University (SU). He lectures Law of Criminal Procedure 314, Criminal Justice in Action 344 and Criminal Law 451. Before joining the SU Faculty of Law, Dr Van der Linde taught at North-West University where he taught several modules, including criminal law (general principles and specific crimes) as well as legal interpretation. He also served as Subject Chair: Criminal law and Criminal procedure law.
Dr van der Linde has publishes in the field of organised crime legislation, as well as the interrelated fields of cybercrime as well as criminal procedure. His doctoral dissertation, “Criminal gang activities: A critical and comparative analysis of the statutory framework under South African criminal law”, wherein he advocates for legislative reform, details the textual, procedural, institutional, and constitutional issues surrounding Chapter 4 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998. He is currently a board member of the Pavocat Stellenbosch Academy, on the editorial board of the Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law, and a member of the Society Hugo de Groot. Dr van der Linde is also a contributor for South African Criminal Law and Procedure Volume III: Statutory Offences. Dr van der Linde has received funding from the National Research Foundation to conduct postdoctoral research, which enabled him to expand on his doctoral research. In 2023, he was awarded the Stellenbosch University Research and Innovation Excellence Award in the Category of Early Career Researcher. |
Dr Delano Cole van der Linde is ʼn senior dosent in die Departement Publiekreg aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Hy doseer in Strafprosesreg 314, Strafregplegingsgeregtigheid in Aksie en Strafreg 451.
Voordat Dr Van der Linde by die US se Regsfakulteit aangesluit het, het hy aan die Noordwes-Universiteit doseer, waar hy verskeie modules aangebied het, onder meer strafreg (Algemene beginsels en spesifieke misdade) sowel as regsinterpretasie. Hy het ook as die Vakhoof: Strafreg en Strafprosesreg gedien. Dr van der Linde publiseer in die veld van georganiseerde misdaad-wetgewing, sowel as die verwante velde van kubermisdaad sowel as strafprosesreg. Sy doktorale proefskrif, “Criminal gang activities: A critical and comparative analysis of the statutory framework under South African criminal law” waarin hy sterk pleit vir regshervorming, ʼn uiteensetting verskaf van die tekstuele, prosedurele, institutsionele en grondwetelike kwessies rondom Hoofstuk 4 van die Wet op die Voorkoming van Georganiseerde Misdaad 121 van 1998. Hy is tans ʼn raadslid van die Pavocat Stellenbosch Academy, dien op die redaksieraad van die Tydskrif vir die Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg en is ʼn lid van die Vereniging Hugo de Groot. Dr van der Linde is ook ‘n bydraer tot South African Criminal Law and Procedure (Volume III: Statutory Offences). Dr van der Linde het befondsing van die Nasionale Navorsingsfonds ontvang om postdoktorale navorsing te doen wat hom in staat gestel het om sy doktorale navorsing uit te brei. Hy het in 2023 ‘n toekenning by die die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Toekennings vir Uitnemendheid vir Navorsing en Innovasie, in die kategorie Vroeë Loopbaannavorser, ontvang. |
Modules taught Criminal Procedure 314 Criminal Justice in Action 344 Criminal Law 451 Organised Crime in South Africa 842 |
Modules Aangebied Strafprosesreg 314 Strafregplegingsgeregtigheid in Aksie 344 Strafreg 451 Georganiseerde Misdaad in Suid-Afrika 842 |
Fields of specialisation Organised crime legislation Criminal procedure and evidence Criminal justice Cybercrime |
Areas van belangstelling Georganiseerde misdaad-wetgewing Strafprosesreg en bewysreg Strafgeregtigheid Kubermisdaad
Publications | Publikasies
Chapters in books | Hoofstukke in boeke
- DC van der Linde “The proliferation of criminal gang activities in the Cape Flats and the subsequent legislative and policy responses” in ZT Boggenpoel Law, Justice and Transformation (2022) (
- DC van der Linde “Cybercrimes” (G8: 1-32) (2023) in J Milton, MG Cowling & SV Hoctor South African Criminal Law and Procedure (Vol III: Statutory Offences)2 ed (1988).
- DC van der Linde “Considering the ‘liberal or broad’ interpretation of the Prevention of Organised of Crime Act: An evaluation of seminal judgments” in Essays in Honour of Steph van der Merwe (2023) 230-261.
Journal articles | Joernaalartikels
- DC Van der Linde “Poverty as a ground of indirect discrimination in the allocation of police resources – A discussion of Social Justice Coalition v Minister of Police 2019 4 SA 82 (WCC)” (2019) Potchefstroom electronic law journal 1-28 <>.
- DC Van der Linde “The overlap between the common law and Chapter 4 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act: Is South Africa’s anti-gang legislation enough?” (2020) South African Journal of Criminal Justice.
- DC Van der Linde “Evidentiary and procedural issues relating to the prevention of Organised Crime Act” (2020) South African Law Journal.
- DC Van der Linde “Considering the constitutionality of South Africa’s anti-gang legislation in light of the principle of legality” (2020) South African Journal on Human Rights <>.
- DC Van der Linde “Die Konstitusionele Hof verskaf sekerheid oor die toepassing van die gemeenskaplike oogmerk op verkragtingsake: ʼn Bespreking van S v Tshabalala and Another 2020 2 SACR 38 (KH)” (2020) 17 LitNet Akademies <>.
- DC Van der Linde “The criminalisation of gang activity in South Africa: Re-assessing the rationale” (2020) South African Crime Quarterly 2-35 (
- DC van der Linde “Some notes on non-consensual or “revenge porn” under the Film and Publications Amendment Act” Tydskrif vir Hendendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg (2021) 22-36.
- DC van der Linde “Defining the contours of a ‘criminal gang’ and a ‘pattern of criminal gang activity’ under the Prevention of Crime Act” South African Journal of Criminal Justice (2021) 231-258.
- DC van der Linde “Does the Aggravated Sentencing Regime under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 Violate Freedom of Association? A Constitutional and Comparative Analysis” Stellenbosch Law Review (2021) 288-305.
- DC van der Linde “WARRANTLESS SEARCHES AND AWARDS FOR DAMAGES IN LIGHT OF THE JUDGMENT IN Shashape v The Minister of Police Case No.: 1566/2018” Obiter (2021) 720-733 (
- DC van der Linde “An overview of the sentencing regime for gang members under the prevention of Organised Crime Act 121/1998 and the potential for restorative justice” Journal for Juridical Science (2021) 56-79 (
- DC van der Linde “Recent Cases” (2022) South African Journal on Criminal Justice (2022) 74-83.
- DC van der Linde “Convictions under POCA for managing and participating in a criminal enterprise under POCA: Duplication of convictions? A discussion of the conflict in S v Prinsloo and S v Tiry” (2022) South African Law Journal (2022) 526-540.
- DC van der Linde No corpus delicti in murder cases: A review of South African judgments dealing with murder cases without a body (2022) Speculum Juris (2022) 165-182. (
- DC van der Linde “Once, Twice, Three Times Delayed: Considering a Permanent Stay of Prosecution in Rodrigues v The National Director of Public Prosecutions” (2022) 1-25. (
- DC van der Linde “Recent Cases: General Principles and Specific Offences” (2023) 36(1) South African Journal of Criminal Justice 123-136.
- DC van der Linde “Does the state have to provide substantiating evidence when an accused pleads guilty to drug-related charges? A discussion of S v Paulse 2022 (2) SACR 451 (WCC)” (2023) 48 (1) Journal for Juridical Science 96-110.
- DC van der Linde Progressive, yet problematic: Unpacking the therapy order and sentence in S v SN” (2023) 140 (4) South African Law Journal 715-732.
- DC van der Linde “Skulderkenningsboetes in die lig van prosedurele geregtigheid en misdaadbeheer” (2024) LitNet Akademies (Regte) (
- DC van der Linde “Tinder Swindlers: Substantive and Procedural Matters Pertaining to Online Dating Fraud Under the Common Law and the Cybercrimes Act” (2024) Obiter (
- DC van der Linde “Recent Cases: General principles and specific offences” (2024) South African Journal of Criminal Justice.
Papers delivered | Referate gelewer
- “Sextortion, romance scamming and “pig butchering” in South Africa” presented at the 115th Society for Legal Scholars Conference at the University of Bristol, England (2024).
- “The gendered impact of deepfake nonconsensual pornography and potential redress under the Cybercrimes Act” presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, hosted at the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town (2024).
- “Combating malicious communications and online hate under the Cybercrimes Act” presented at the Southern African Law Teachers Conference 2024, Sun City Convention Centre, South Africa (2024).
- “The complex hybridity of South African criminal law” presented at the Fifth World Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists at the University of Malta, Malta (2023)
- “The political landscape in SA and the influence on our economy and corruption” panel discussion at KPMG, in association with the Association for Certified Fraud Examiners (“ACFE”) for International Fraud Awareness Week, Cape Town (2023).
- “Combating Sextortion and Romance Scamming as Organised Crime” presented at the University of the Western Cape and Journal of Anti-Corruption Law Conference on Combating Organised Crime, Cape Town (2023).
- “Considering the judicial requirement of proportionality for forfeiture under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act” presented at the SARCPL International Conference Transforming Property Law – 15 Years in the Making, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2022).
- “Indirect discrimination in light of Social Justice Coalition and Others v Minister of Police and Others” presented at the Southern African Law Teachers Conference 2020, Skukuza South Africa (2020).
- “Leveraging sustainable development goals 1 and 16 in the eradication of criminal gang activity in the Cape Flats” presented at the Social Justice Summit and International Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2019).
- “Doing law and development differently: Reflections on research methodologies” panel member at the EDOLAD International Summer School in Potchefstroom, South Africa (2019).
- “Decades after POCA: Substantive and institutional problems with South Africa’s anti-gang legislation” paper presented at the Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations, University of Coventry, England (2017).