Hybrid Symposium
The 16th Stellenbosch University Library Symposium will take place as a hybrid symposium from 12 to 14 October 2021. Both in-person and virtual delegates will be hosted. All protocols which need to be followed due to the Covid-19 pandemic will be in place at the venue, for those who attend in person.
The Conference Centre at Spier Wine Farm closed recently. We are pleased to announce that the new venue is Lanzerac Wine Estate.
The theme for the symposium is From hero to superhero: Agile, innovative, responsive libraries.
The opening keynote address will be presented by Prof Kanshukan Rajaratnam, Director of the School for Data Science and Computational Thinking (Stellenbosch University), while Dr Morne Mostert, Director of the Institute for Futures Research (Stellenbosch University), will present the closing keynote address.
Please view the provisional programme and read more about our speakers. Also find more information about the options for accommodation, the registration page and our generous sponsors.
Enquiries: Marié Roux, e-mail: mr@sun.ac.za, tel: 021-808 9917 (0827780873)
Twitter: #SULibSymp2021