The Gospel of the Blank Voucher

Mathew 7:7 This verse clearly states that we will be given what we ask for but sometimes we ask and we do not receive what we ask for, why is that? Often the problem is what we are asking for or the motive behind it. Matthew 5:3 When we pray we need to recognise our need of God, that we are poor in spirit. When we think of prayer we often think of a blank check, that we can have whatever we want Matthew 7:9-11 Often we ask for the wrong things, things that may not be good for us. The Pharisees were seen then as the most righteous kind of people Matthew 5:20 but here Jesus sets the standards way higher than seems attainable. This way it seems impossible to get into heaven. Interestingly Jesus teaches the people how to pray in the next chapter. This is the solution to the dilemma. When we pray we should not pray for our own selfish needs but in order to attain the standards of heaven. Many of us believe that Matthew 7:7 is a blank check when in fact it is a blank voucher. We can only ask and are sure to receive that which we ask according to God’s will.

Adapted sermon from Ps Baxter