Almost Home

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

We have heard the message time and time again. For more than 2000 years now the message has been preached that Jesus Christ is coming again. This is a message that can easily be pushed aside. However it is a message that we have to kep in mind. Matthew 25:13 The ten virgins expected  the bridegroom to come quickly but he did not. Five of the virgins did not prepare and were left behind when the time came. We should not think that if we prepare our hearts once then we are ready Christ to come. Every day we should prepare for the great day. Revelation 6:17 Only the righteous will withstand that great day.

John 14:1-2

The Lord is coming, are you ready?

Our Words

‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him. And without him was not anything made’ John 1:1-3 . So often as human beings we neglect the power of the words we say. We so often beat ourselves to a pulp, ridicule others, curse, bless, whilst totally ignoring the impact that those words that we speak have. Proverbs 25:11 says that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. When we look at the ministry of Christ, most of his miracles were performed in word. For example he would say to the lame, get up and walk. He would say to the dead, little, arise. To the dumb, ephthaphata. He spoke his healing ministry into existence, just as he spoke the creation into existence. Now we, through our words, can choose speak words of comfort to those who need comfort, or we can choose to send others into deep sadness and sorrow through what we say. We speak feelings into existence, and these feeling eventually have a physical manifestation. Would God that we prophesy, speak words of edification to the church, that none be found wanting, and that none be found in low spirits in the church of God. May God bridle our tongues, that we may speak in due season, and speak words that are like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Thabo Monoto

The Judges

Judges 2:6-13

The Lord had brought Israel out of the land of  Egypt and into the land of Canaan. The Israelites had driven out some of the inhabitants that had a lived in Canaan. The land had been divided between the tribes of Israel and each of them had been commanded by Joshua to drive out the remainder of the inhabitants that still remained. However the Israelites did not do this. This led to idolatry instead of worshiping God the worshiped the idols of the people who lived around them.

Even though the Israelites disobeyed God when they cried out to him in their distress he heard them and he raised up judges. Judges 2:18 The first duty of the judge was to save the people and then to make sure they stay in the way of righteousness. How similar we are to the Israelites. We commit sin purposefully yet God still hears our cry. He sent us His own son as a judge. Luke 5:32 Jesus Christ came to save us then to lead us in the path of righteousness.

The Sabbath

Genesis 2: 2-3

The primary reason why the Sabbath was created was for rest. The Creator foresaw that it would be easy for man to lose sight of what is truly important. The Sabbath ‘rest’ is not purely physical rest. We rest because God rested and yet we know God does not need to rest. The Sabbath rest is a refreshing of the soul. As I said earlier it is easy for man to lose sight of what is truly important. The cares and worries of this world often fill our minds that is why God created the Sabbath specifically for us. Mark 2:27 When Jesus Christ walked the earth He left us examples of what ‘ refreshing the soul’ entails. Matthew 12:12 Jesus said that it is good to do good on the Sabbath. In this case it was an act of kindness to another person. Since the Sabbath was made for us this must only mean that helping others does not only benefit others but ourselves as well. In actuality the Sabbath,  though made for us, is not about us. Focusing on ourselves is strangely not the way to refresh the soul instead God tells us that when we refrain from doing our own pleasures then the Sabbath becomes a delight. Isaiah 58:13

God wants the Sabbath to be a do good day. So remember to be a do gooder this Sabbath.


The Mystery of Godliness

1 Timothy 3:16

We know that every Christian strives to reach Godliness but what is it really?? What is true godliness?? Is it following all 10 commandments? Giving to charity? Devoting
your life to ministry? Becoming a pastor? Well even in the verse above true Godliness is described as a mystery.

Fortunately it’s a mystery that can be solved. Colossians 1:27 The amazing mystery is that Christ is able to dwell within you. Habakkuk 1:13 This verse tells us that God and sin cannot dwell together. How is it then that Jesus Christ, who is God, can live within us? This my friends is the great mystery. It is Christ in us that enables us to achieve Godliness. He sacrificed all so that He may be able to dwell within us.