SU-UIC approves release of IEB’s international May 2024 examination results
Published: 11/07/2024
“The Stellenbosch University (SU) Unit for International Credentialling (SU-UIC) is pleased to confirm the approval of the release of the Independent Examinations Board’s (IEB) International Secondary Certificate (ISC) and Further Studies examination results conducted between 8 and 28 May 2024.“ READ MORE
SIAN 2024 delegates dissect dos and don’ts of internationalisation in higher education.
Published: 22/03/2024
“New African-based school-leaving qualifications unlock higher education opportunities: The intricacies of internationalisation in higher education came under the spotlight at the Stellenbosch International Academic Networks (SIAN) 2024 meeting hosted by Stellenbosch University (SU) International from 13 to 15 March. SIAN delegates also heard from SU-UIC, whose work includes quality-assuring external school-leaving qualifications administered in and for Africa.” READ MORE
SU-UIC approves release of results of another successful IEB-ISC examinations
Published: 18/01/2024
“The Stellenbosch University Unit for International Credentialling (SU-UIC) is pleased to confirm the approval of the release of the Independent Examinations Board’s (IEB) International Secondary Certificate (ISC) examination results conducted in November 2023.” READ MORE
SU’s Unit for International Credentialling to consult on Lesotho’s Advanced Secondary Certificate
Published: 06/09/2023
“The Stellenbosch University Unit for International Credentialing (SU-UIC) has entered into an agreement with the Examinations Council of Lesotho to consult on their new national qualification, the Lesotho Advanced Secondary Certificate (LASC)” READ MORE
SU quality-assures IEB ISC international school-leaving qualification
Published: 04/05/2023
“The Unit for International Credentialing at Stellenbosch University (SU-UIC) is the external quality assurer of the first Africa-oriented international school-leaving certificate, the International Secondary Certificate (ISC). In October and November 2022, a first cohort of Grade 12 learners wrote the IEB ISC examinations.” READ MORE
Media Release regarding 2022 IEB-ISC examinations
Published: 22/12/2022
“Stellenbosch University Unit for International Credentialing approves release of 2022 IEB-International’s International Secondary Certificate (ISC) results: “Africa’s First International School-Leaving Qualification” READ MORE
Final preparations for first set of IEB-ISC exams
Published: 04/09/2022
It is nearly all systems go for the first set of examinations for the South African Independent Examinations Board’s International Secondary Certificate (IEB-ISC) – a new, affordable yet quality African-centred school-leaving certificate. Learners will write the first examinations at the end of 2022, which means that the first cohort of IEB-ISC school leavers will be applying to universities across the globe in 2023. READ MORE
Women’s month profile on SU-UIC coordinator
Published: 01/08/2022
As part of commemorating women’s month, we will profile some of the #WomenofSUI. This week we had a chance to chat with Mia Andersen. READ MORE
UPDATE: SU to quality-assure new international school-leaving qualification
Published: 02/05/2022
Stellenbosch University (SU) is proud to be the quality assurer of the International Secondary Certificate (ISC), a new school-leaving qualification developed and offered by the international arm of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB). The first IEB-ISC examinations will take place in November 2022, which means that the first cohort of ISC-qualified students will be applying to university this year with a view to enrolling in 2023. READ MORE
Department of Higher Education and Training
Published: 08/12/2021
Research Bulletin on post-school education and training: Stellenbosch University (SU) to Quality Assure New International School-Leaving Qualification. READ MORE
UPDATE: SU to quality-assure new Africa-centred international school-leaving qualification
Published: 06/10/2021
Stellenbosch University (SU) has entered into an exciting working agreement with the Independent Examinations Board’s international arm (IEB-International) to quality-assure an Africa-centred school-leaving qualification that will be introduced internationally. READ MORE
SU to oversee quality assurance for new Africa-centred school-leaving qualification
Published: 09/07/2021
A working agreement between Stellenbosch University (SU) and the Independent Examinations Board International (IEB International) will see the University quality-assure an Africa-centred school-leaving qualification that will be offered internationally. READ MORE
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