We invite you to the Centre for Teaching and Learning or CTL’s ‘Making a life’ series, where we explore the attitudes and experiences of academics at Stellenbosch University, with regard to their roles in teaching, research and what is generally called ‘community involvement’.
The interviews were conducted by Dr Catherine Kell, a researcher commissioned by the CTL.
The series includes the opinions and thoughts around teaching and learning of:
1. Aslam Fataar
2. David Holgate
3. Nokwanda Makunga
4. Leslie Swartz
5. Rhoda Malgas
6. Elmarie Constandius
You are welcome to read and comment on the first interview in the series with Aslam Fataar
You are invited to subscribe to the series by clicking on the following link:
http://blogs.sun.ac.za/teaching/feed/ (if you have Microsoft Outlook it will ask you if you want to add the RSS feed to your inbox). In this way you will automatically receive the weekly series updates as they are published.
Die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer nooi u uit na die ‘Making a life’ reeks waar ons die gesindhede en ervarings van akademici by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ondersoek in terme van hul rolle in onderrig, navorsing en wat algemeen bekend staan as ‘gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid’.
Dr. Catherine Kell, ‘n navorser, is aangewys om die onderhoude te voer.
Die reeks sluit die volgende personeel se opinies en gedagtes rondom onderrig en leer in:
1. Aslam Fataar
2. David Holgate
3. Nokwanda Makunga
4. Leslie Swartz
5. Rhoda Malgas
6. Elmarie Costandius
U is welkom om die eerste onderhoud in die reeks met Aslam Fataar te lees en kommentaar te lewer.
U word uitgenooi om in te skryf vir die reeks deur op die volgende skakel te kliek:
http://blogs.sun.ac.za/teaching/feed/ (indien u Microsoft Outlook het, sal u gevra word of u die RSS voer wil byvoeg in u ‘inbox’). Hiervolgens sal u outomaties die weeklikse reeks se opdaterings ontvang soos hul gepubliseer word.