Update: Refurbishment of SU Library

The Stellenbosch University Library is undergoing renovations. We apologise for the inconvenience caused during the refurbishments.

The renovations consist of upgrading the existing facilities and infrastructure to accommodate clients’ needs and create a contemporary aesthetic for the SU Library while maintaining the integrity of the existing building. The primary focus of the project is to provide clients with comfortable and effective spaces in which to work while making it easier to use and navigate the library.

Renovations include the installation of a new client service desk, new students’ workspaces, redesign of the reading area, new furniture, flooring and new toilets for students and staff.

The work will be completed in three phases. Phase  1 of the project runs until the end of July 2021.

Phase 1 comprises renovation of the client service desk, short loans and related staff work areas and staff toilets.

The central section between Special Collections and the Law Section is boarded off. Science and AgriSciences books and printed journals are not available for the duration of the project. However, the Law Section, Special Collections and upper level toilets are still accessible. The Science and AgriSciences faculty librarians are temporarily located in the Learning Commons.

See the full announcement about the SU Library Refurbishment project.

Clients can look forward to comfortable and effective spaces when the project is complete.




Architect’s drawings of the refurbished SU Library spaces