Library hosted SU Law Clinic interns from Hasselt University

All Rise! (A popular term used in South African courts to announce a judge entering or leaving a courtroom.) On 22 July 2022, the Library and Information Service (faculty librarians for Law) had the privilege to host Masters students from Hasselt University in Belgium. The students were working as interns at the Stellenbosch University Law Clinic. The opportunity is the result of an existing relationship between the SU Faculty of Law and Hasselt University.

Stellenbosch University Law Clinic interns from Hasselt University with the faculty librarians for Law, Ms Sanda Nyoka (left back) and Mr Pieter du Plessis (right back)

The students attended a library training session which aimed to introduce them to South African legal resources (both online and in print). During a break from the session the students were taken on a library tour showcasing the different spaces within the library: the Law section; Client Services; the Carnegie Research Commons and the Makerspace. During the training session, the interns showed great enthusiasm.

Sanda Nyoka

Photograph: Bronwyn Bruton