

CT Scanner facility              

Room 1046, PO Sauer Building, Bosman Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 7600

See google maps: and use Bosman Street entrance (not Hammanshand Street)

Phone the office number when you get to the boom: +27 (0) 21 808 9389 for access code

When entering building follow the “CT SCANNER” signs/take left passage all the way to the back of the building.

Sample deliveries:

Please use courier services (not postal services, please)

For international shipments, please mark the package to clearly indicate “Samples for testing only, nominal value $1”.

All delivered samples must be arranged to be collected at own cost and arrangement.

Old samples not collected will be discarded after 1 month, the same is true for data.


Email us:

Miss Carlyn wells
