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Windows 10 upgrades currently ongoing

Information Technology’s support team identified computers on the university network which is running an outdated version of Windows 10 and could possibly pose a network security risk. To rectify the situation technicians will be performing an in-place upgrade of outdated computers to the latest stable version of Windows 10. Before we proceed with the upgrade, you will be sent an email to explain the situation, as well as a few minor instructions.

The upgrade will happen after hours @19h00 to minimise the impact it will have on your daily tasks, but you will always receive an email beforehand to notify you. For this reason we ask that you save and close all open documents and close all open software on your computer before you leave work in the afternoon. If you have a laptop, please secure it to your desk. 

The desktop/laptop will not need to come to IT for the upgrade since the upgrade will be initiated remotely. No data or software will be removed from the computer.

If you have any enquiries regarding this upgrade, please contact the IT Service Desk.


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