Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service - News from research support services

Author: Marié Roux (Page 13 of 13)

How important is ORCID author identifier?

If you are a researcher or an academic or planning to become one, you are going to need an ORCID identifier in the near future.

The Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) connects a researcher or academic to his or her research output and allows others to access your publications. ORCID streamlines the publication submission processes and improves discoverability. Increasingly, funders and publishers require ORCID in their application and submission processes. Since April 2017, the National Research Foundation (NRF) mandated the use of ORCID in all application processes.

Stellenbosch University is a member of ORCID and we have an integration where we store access to your iD. This will be used in future integrations that will be developed over time, for example with the Institutional Repository and the Knowledge Directory. Please read more about our integration and see the link where you can connect your iD with Stellenbosch University on our Library guide:

For further reading on important aspects and benefits of ORCID:

You are also very welcome to contact the Research Impact division or your faculty librarian for any assistance.

What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.

Why ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.

New Research Workshops coming up in 2018

A wide range of workshops on research related topics will be presented by the Library and Information Service during 2018.

Three new workshops have been developed.  The first new workshop, Maximising your research impact, will give an introduction to research impact and how to improve your impact as a researcher. The following topics will be included in three short sessions:

  1. Where to publish (Choosing a journal/predatory journals/journal metrics)
  2. Increase the visibility of your research  (Open Access/ORCID /author profile systems /Social Media)
  3. Track citation metrics for your articles (How to increase citations by making your research more visible / The different citation metrics and where to find it)

All three these topics will also be addressed in more detailed workshops throughout the year.

The second new workshop is Introduction to Research Data Managementwhich is designed to assist you with general background on how to manage your research data, including an overview of the Research Data Management (RDM) lifecycle. It will also give you an introduction to Data Management Planning and some advice on where to deposit your data.

Enhancing the visibility of your research output through self-archiving is a brand new workshop on the Stellenbosch University’s institutional policy on the self-archiving of research output, which asks researchers to deposit copies of their research output in SUNScholar, the institutional repository. This can greatly increase the visibility of your research output and therefore also increase the impact of your research.

Other workshops are presented on topics such as reference managers (Mendeley); how to do your literature search; formatting of your thesis with MS Word; how to track and enhance your citations (and impact); how to distinguish between trustworthy and untrustworthy information; where and how to publish your research; unique author identification with ORCID; how to increase the visibility of your research; useful tools and applications for research; how to find government statistics; how to submit your thesis/dissertation to SUNScholar and the benefits of Open Access publishing.

Please see the full programme here and use the training calendar to book your place!

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