SUNScholar Nuus/News 01/12/2010

Beste Kollegas

Die einde van die jaar is in sig, en vir SUNScholar was dit ‘n baie opwindende eerste jaar met vele hoogtepunte. Sommer net ‘n paar laaste sake waarmee ons die jaar graag wil afsluit.

Opleiding- en Inligtingsessies aangaande Oop Toegang en SUNScholar in 2011

Ons beplan ‘n reeks opleiding- en inligtingsessies sommer vroeg in die jaar, en sal gedurende Januarie meer inligting aangaande dit uitstuur. Indien jy of jou department graag wil hê dat ons moet kom besoek aflê en met julle as ‘n span moet kom praat, is julle meer as welkom om ons te kontak en ‘n afspraak te maak. Ons sal baie graag elke departement wil besoek gedurende die nuwe jaar.

Nominering van studente met die oog op die Maart 2011 gradeplegtigheid

Studieleiers/promotors/administratiewe personeel kan voortgaan met die nominering van studente wat gedurende Maart 2011 gradueer. Sluitingsdatum: 2 Maart 2011. Hierdie nominering vind plaas na afloop van die eksamineringsproses, en sodra die student se tesis/proefskrif gefinaliseer is.

Net ‘n kort opsomming van die 3 stappe betrokke:

1.       Studieleier/promotor/administratiewe personeellid  nomineer student via portaal.

2.       Student/ander laai tesis op SUNScholar. Studente moet asb SU studentenommer aantekeningbesonderhede gebruik.

3.       Studieleier/promotor/administratiewe personeellid  keur tesis/proefskrif goed via portaal. Dui aan of oop of  beperkte toegang geld tot tesis/proefskrif. Indien beperkte toegang geld moet die nodige toestemming asb. saam met die tesis/proefskrif opgelaai word, of gestuur word aan .

Nuttige kontakbesonderhede:

SUNScholar vir hulp met oplaai van tesis/proefskrif: Paulette Talliard en Ina Smith E-pos: Tel.: 021 808 9046/9139
Portaal vir hulp met nominering en aanvaarding van student: Helene Nieuwoudt E-pos: E-pos: Tel.: 021 808 4577

IT Hulplyn vir hulp met aantekenbesonderhede: Tel.: 021 808 4367 of Web URL:

InnovUS vir hulp met kopiereg: Anita Nel E-pos: Tel.: 021 808 3079 of 021 808 3826

AFRICAN SUN MeDIA vir drukwerk: Web URL: Tel.: 021 808 2041

Desember 2010 tesisse en proefskrifte

348 tesisse/proefskrifte is opgelaai met die oog op die Desember gradeplegtigheid. Baie dankie en baie geluk aan elke studieleier/promotor en student! Dit sal vanaf Januarie 2011 op SUNScholar beskikbaar gemaak word en geleidelik na die betrokke departementele versamelings geskuif word.

Statistiek in SUNScholar

Gaan besoek gerus versamelings per fakulteit of departement op SUNScholar. Dit is ook nou moontlik om te sien hoeveel keer ‘n individuele item besoek is, en vanuit watter lande die besoekers kom. Opsommend – aantal items per fakulteit word in hakies aangedui:

Berlynse Verklaring tot Oop Toegang van Inligting

Ons is nou amptelik op die lys van instansies wat die Berlynse Verklaring onderteken het. Besoek gerus .

Geniet die rustydjie en ons sien uit na die saamwerk in 2011!

Vriendelike groete

Ina (namens die SUNScholar-span)

Dear Colleagues

For SUNScholar the past year was a most exciting year with many highlights. We would like to end this year with sharing a few things.

Training and Information Sessions re Open Access and SUNScholar in 2011

We plan to host a series of information and training sessions early next year, and will communicate more information regarding this at a later stage. Please contact us if you are interested in an information or training session. We would very much like to visit each department during the next year.

Nomination of students for the March 2011 graduation ceremony

Study leaders/promoters/administrative staff can now proceed with nominating students who will be graduating during March 2011. Closing date: 2 March 2011. This nomination follows the examination process, and once the thesis/dissertation has been finalised.

A brief summary of the three steps involved:

1.       Study leader/promoter/administrative staff member nominates student via portal.

2.       Student/other submits thesis/dissertation via SUNScholar. Students must please use SU student no. campus login.

3.       Study leader/promoter/administrative staff member approves thesis/dissertation via portal. If restricted access applies, please furnish proof that permission has been granted for the above mentioned thesis/dissertation to be placed under embargo by e-mailing it to, or submit documentation together with thesis/dissertation.

Useful contact details:

SUNScholar for help during the submission of theses/dissertations: Paulette Talliard and Ina Smith E-mail: Tel.: 021 808 9046/9139
Portal for assistance regarding nomination and acceptance processes: Helene Nieuwoudt E-mail: Tel.: 021 808 4577

IT Help Line for assistance with login’s: Tel.: 021 808 4367 or Web URL:

InnovUS for assistance regarding copyright: Anita Nel E-mail: Tel.: 021 808 3079 or 021 808 3826

AFRICAN SUN MeDIA for printing: Web URL: Tel.: 021 808 2041

December 2010 theses and dissertations

348 theses/dissertations have been submitted for the December graduation ceremony. Many thanks and congratulations to each study leader/promoter! It will be made available on SUNScholar as of January 2011, and will gradually be moved to the departmental collections.

Statistics on SUNScholar

Please visit your departmental collections on SUNScholar. It is now possible to see exactly how many times an item has been accessed, and from which countries. To summarise – the number of items per faculty in brackets:

Berlin Declaration to Open Access of Information

Our name now appears on the official list of signatories. Visit .

Enjoy the holiday season and we are looking forward working together in 2011!

With kind regards

Ina (on behalf of the SUNScholar Team)

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