Invitation: Presentation celebrating International Open Access Week

Invitation: Presentation celebrating International Open Access Week
You are cordially invited to the following film screening and panel discussion to celebrate International Open Access Week.

Documentary film: “Paywall: the business of scholarship”

Date: Friday 26 October 2018

Time: 12:00-13:30

Venue: Auditorium, Stellenbosch University Library

Presenters: Isabel Basson, Mimi Seyffert-Wirth & Paulette Talliard

This openly accessible documentary film has sparked interest among Open Access advocates and academics alike, since its first screening earlier this year. The hour-long documentary discusses the need for OA and criticises the inflated profit margins of corporate academic publishers. The film features discussions with a wide variety of researchers, academics, editors and the creator of Sci-Hub.

The screening of the film will be followed by a panel discussion with audience participation, facilitated by Isabel Basson (PhD student and researcher at CREST – Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology), Mimi Seyffert-Wirth (Manager: Digtial Scholarship) and Paulette Talliard (Digital Scholarship Librarian).

The presentation forms part of the Library’s annual celebration of International Open Access Week.

Please note: The film will also be screened in the Medicine and Health Sciences Library (Tygerberg Campus) on 26 October, 11:00-12:00, followed by a discussion with Health Sciences Faculty Librarians.




Uitnodiging: Aanbieding ter viering van Internasionale Ooptoegangweek
U word vriendelik uitgenooi na die volgende filmvertoning en paneelbespreking ter viering van Internasionale Ooptoegangweek.

Dokumentêre film: “Paywall: the business of scholarship”

Datum: Vrydag 26 Oktober 2018

Tyd: 12:00-13:30

Lokaal: Ouditorium, Universiteit Stellenbosch Biblioteek

Aanbieders: Isabel Basson, Mimi Seyffert-Wirth en Paulette Talliard

Sedert die eerste vertoning vroeër vanjaar het hierdie ooptoegangdokumentêr die aandag van voorstanders van Oop Toegang sowel as academici getrek. Die uurlange dokumentêr bespreek die behoefte aan oop toegang tot akademiese bronne en kritiseer die opgedrewe winsgrense van korporatiewe akademiese uitgewers. Die film vertoon gesprekke met verskeie navorsers, academici, redakteurs en die skepper van Sci Hub.

Die filmvertoning sal gevolg word deur ‘n paneelbespreking met bydraes uit die gehoor, gefasiliteer deur Isabel Basson (PhD student en navorser by CREST – Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology), Mimi Seyffert-Wirth (Bestuurder: Digtiale Akademieskap) en Paulette Talliard (Bibliotekaris: Digitale Akademieskap).

Die aanbieding vorm deel van die Biblioteek se jaarlikse viering van Internasionale Ooptoegangweek.

Let asb. op: Die film sal ook by Geneeskunde & Gesondheidswetenskappe Biblioteek (Tygerbergkampus) vertoon word op Vrydag 26 Oktober, 11:00-12:00, gevolg deur ‘n gesprek met betrokke Fakulteitsbibliotekarisse.




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