URDR research assists communities and organisations to tackle root causes of violence against children (VAC) and to emphasise rights-based, participatory approaches that treat children as agents. It helps organisations develop innovative approaches to ending VAC, including its online forms, and to understand the unique roles of faith communities across the prevention/response continuum.
Recent relevant research includes:
• Development and field testing in Liberia of a new curriculum module for Episcopal Relief and Development, delivered to Christian and Muslim faith leaders and focused on child protection and violence against children.
• A global scoping study and two learning briefs for the Joint Leaning Initiative for Faith and Local Communities’ End Violence against Children Hub on the roles of faith in perpetuating, responding to and ending many intersecting forms of violence against children.
• Participatory research and local training with local faith partners in Burundi and Zambia for Episcopal Relief and Development around contextual issues of violence against children, faith’s role in safeguarding children and its interconnections to violence against women.
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela