Selected URDR Research outputs
- The URDR builds collaborative theory from below to offer an evidence base for existing work. It acts as a bridge between academics and practitioners to identify synergies and innovations from communities of practice. Below are some selected research outputs from the URDR. This is not a comprehensive list.
"Religion and the secular both need contemporary hermeneutical review…it is important that from within their own traditions, people work on the relationship between religion, the secular and human rights to see what might be possible to affirm in common." - Paul Weller
Key Academic Publications
Palm, S. 2021. Webs of Harm: Online Child Sexual Abuse and Theologies of the Digital, Cursor_ Zeitschrift für explorative Theologie, April 2021.
Palm, S. 2021. “One Body, Many Voices: Theological perspectives on inclusion and diversity from the global South” in N, Kurlberg and M, Daenhardt (eds). Theologies and Practices of Inclusion. London, SCM Press.
Palm, S & Gaum, L. 2021. "Engaging Human Sexuality: Creating safe spaces for LGBTIQ+ and straight believers in South Africa". Theologia in Loco 3, 2:162-182.
Palm, S. 2021. “Stories of Hope? Sustaining Hope in COVID-19 Times of Despair and Anxiety.” In A Time like No Other: Covid-19 in women’s voices. (eds) N. Hadebe, D Gennrich, S. Rakoczy & N. Tom.
Le Roux, E. 2021. “Jesus is a survivor: sexual violence and stigma within faith communities.” In When did we see you naked? Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse. (eds) J.R. Reaves, D. Tombs & R. Figueroa. UK: SCM Press.
Bowers Du Toit, N, Forster, D, Le Roux, E & Weber, S. 2021. Born Free? South African Young Adults, Inequality, and Reconciliation in Stellenbosch. International Bulletin of Mission Research, July 2021.
Palm. S. 2020. “Seen but not heard? Engaging the mechanisms of faith to end violence against children” In Childhood Vulnerabilities in South Africa (eds) C Jones & J Grobbelaar. Sun Press: South Africa.
Du Toit, L. & Le Roux, E. 2020. A feminist reflection on male victims of conflict-related sexual violence. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 1-14.
Le Roux, E. 2020. “Recognising and responding to complex dilemmas: child marriage in South Africa.” In Childhood Vulnerabilities in South Africa (eds) C Jones & J Grobbelaar. Sun Press. South Africa.
Le Roux, E. et al. 2020. Engaging with faith groups to prevent VAWG in conflict-affected communities: results from two community surveys in the DRC. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 20(27).
Palm, S. 2020. “Sustaining Feminist Hope in COVID-19 times of despair and anxiety” African Journal of Gender & Religion in Africa 26:70-90.
Le Roux, E. & Bartelink, B.W. 2020. What’s in a name? Identifying the harm in ‘harmful traditional practices’. In Kraft, K. & Wilkinson, O.J. (ed.s) International Development and Local Faith Actors: Ideological and Cultural Encounters. Oxon: Routledge.
Le Roux, E. & Olivier, J. 2020. "Cascading theology: Experiences of the implementation of a Training-of-the-Trainers model for faith-based gender-based violence intervention". In Kraft, K. & Wilkinson, O.J. (ed.s) International Development and Local Faith Actors: Ideological and Cultural Encounters. Oxon: Routledge.
Le Roux, E. & Cadavid Valencia, L. 2020. Partnering with local faith communities: Learning from the response to internal displacement and sexual violence in Colombia. In Kraft, K. & Wilkinson, O.J. (ed.s) International Development and Local Faith Actors: Ideological and Cultural Encounters. Oxon: Routledge.
Palm, S. 2019. “A Time to Confess? An ecclesiology of vulnerability in the light of #metoo” Luce Verbi 53, 4. 1-8
Le Roux, E. & Cadavid Valencia, L. 2019. "There’s no-one you can trust to talk to here": Churches and internally displaced survivors of sexual violence in Medellín, Colombia. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies ,75(4): a5491.
Palm, S. 2019. “A long walk to reproductive freedom: Re-conceiving theologies of abortion in South Africa” in Classens, J and Kotze, M (eds). Reconceiving Reproductive Health: Theological and Ethical Reflections. South Africa: AOSIS Online.
Le Roux, E. 2019. Can religious women choose? Holding the tension between complicity and agency". African Journal of Gender and Religion, 25(1): 1-19.
Palm, S. 2019. “Building Bridges or Walls? Human Rights & Religious Freedom: A South African history”. In Gunther,G. & Forster, D. (eds)Freedom of Religion at Stake: Competing claims among faith traditions, States and Persons . Wipf&Stock.
Palm, S. 2019. “Re-imagining Sin: Nurturing Youth Spiritualities for Social Justice”. In Claassens, L.J, Van der Walt, C. & Olojede, F. (eds)Teaching for Change: Essays on Pedagogy, Gender, Health & Theology in Africa. (eds.) Stellenbosch: SUNMedia
Le Roux, E. 2019. "Conflict in conflict: Mobilising against violence against women and girls in local faith communities in areas affected by armed conflict". In Claassens, L.J, Van der Walt, C. & Olojede, F. (ed.s). Teaching for change: Essays on Pedagogy, Gender and Theology in Africa. Stellenbosch: SUNMedia.
Palm, S. & Le Roux, E. 2018. Households of Freedom? Faith’s Role in Challenging Gendered Geographies of Violence in Our Cities. In De Beer, S (ed.). Just Faith: Glocal Responses to Planetary Urbanisation (HTS Religion & Society Series Volume 3), pp. 135-164, AOSIS, Cape Town.
Le Roux, E., Hankela, E. & McDonald, Z., 2018, ‘Social justice required: Youth at the margins, churches and social cohesion in South Africa’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 74(3).
Currier, J.M., Rojas-Flores, L., McCormick, W.H., Koo, J.H., Cadavid, L., Pineda, F.A., Le Roux, E., & Givens, T. 2018. Spiritual struggles and ministry-related quality of life among faith leaders in Colombia. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Le Roux, E. 2018. What is campus rape culture? IFES Word & World, Issue 5.
Le Roux. E. 2018. Editor’s note. IFES Word & World, Issue 5: Violence against women in the university.
Palm, S. 2018. "Religion, Gender Norms and Campus Rape Culture: Building Resistance from Below".Politeia 37 (2), Vol 4(1), 321–346.
Palm, S. 2018. "Always Reforming? Nurturing a Church for Human Rights in South Africa".Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Vol 4, No 1, 321–346.
Le Roux, E. 2017. "Faith-based HIV response in post-soviet Eastern Europe: the case of Channels of Hope in Russia, Romania and Armenia". Development in Practice, August 2017.
Le Roux, E. & Loots, L. 2017. The unhealthy divide: how secular-faith binary potentially limits GBV prevention and response. Development in Practice, August 2017.
Le Roux, E. & Sandoua, Y. 2017. Leadership responses during armed conflict. In Priest R. (ed.) Patterns in African Christian Leadership: Insights from 8000 Africans.
Palm, S. 2016. “Re imagining the human? Disrupting injustice? Towards a liberating hermeneutic for human rights in South Africa today.” Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa. Vol 22(1)84-104.
Le Roux, E. & Bowers-Du Toit, N. 2017. "Men and women in partnership: mobilising faith communities to address gender-based violence" Diakonia, 1/2017.
Le Roux, E. Kramm, N., Scott, N., Sandilands, M., Loots, L., Olivier, J., Arango, D.J., & O’Sullivan, V. 2016. "Getting dirty: Working with faith leaders to prevent and respond to gender based violence." The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 14(3): 22-35.
Le Roux, E. 2015. “Telling stories”: talking about VAW within the church and seminary. In Mouton, E., Kapuma, G., Hansen, L., & Togom, T. (ed.s). Living with Dignity: African Perspectives on Gender Equality. Stellenbosch: SUNPRESS.
Palm, S. 2014. ”Liberating Human Rights? Insights from Abdullahi An-Na’im for present day South Africa.” Acta Academia 46(4):93-116.
Palm, S. & Le Bruyns, C. 2013. “Transforming Hope? A Theological-Ethical Vision, Virtue and Practice for the Common Good”. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa. 146:104-121.
Le Roux, E. 2012. Why sexual violence? The social reality of an absent church. In Hendriks, H.J., Mouton, E., Hansen, L., & Le Roux, E. (ed.s) Men in the pulpit, women in the pews? Addressing gender inequality in Africa. Stellenbosch: SUNPRESS.
Le Roux, E. 2010. Pornography: Human right or human rights violation? HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 66(2), Art. #847, 8 pages.
Erasmus, J.C. & Le Roux, E. 2010. Exploring anomalies in the values and sexual behavior of Anglican youth. Commonwealth Youth and Development, 8(2).
Swart, I. 2006. The churches and the development debate: Perspectives on a fourth generation approach. Stellenbosch: Sun Press.
Selected Policy and Learning Briefs
- Palm, S. 2022. Learning from Practice: Strengthening a legal and policy environment for preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. Summary Brief. New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
- Le Roux, E. 2022. Learning from Practice: Survivor-centred, multisectoral service provision as part of preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. Summary Brief. New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
- Le Roux, E. and Palm, S. 2021. Learning from Practice: Engaging Faith-based and Traditional Actors in Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. Summary Brief. New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
- Palm, S. & Le Roux, E. 2021. Learning from Practice: Exploring Intersectional approaches to preventing violence against women and girls. Summary Brief. New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2020. PhotoVOICE 2.0: a brief overview. Learning Brief, Unit for Religion and Development Research.
- Palm, S. & Clowes, A. 2019. Learning from Practice: Approaches to Capture and Apply Practice-Based Knowledge, Programming to Prevent Violence Against Women. Practice Brief. The Prevention Collaborative.
- Palm, S., Le Roux, E., Bezzolato, E., Deepan, P. O’Sullivan, V., Lele, U., Jewkes, R. 2019. Rethinking Relationships: From Violence to Equality in the DRC. DFID Evidence Brief.
- Palm, S., & Eyber, C. 2019. Why Faith? Engaging the mechanisms of faith to end violence against children. Learning Brief. Washington DC: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities EVAC Hub.
- Palm, S. & Eyber, C. 2019. A Mixed Blessing: roles of faith communities in ending violence against children. Learning Brief. Washington DC: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities End Violence against Children Hub.
- Le Roux, E. & Bartelink, B.E. & Palm, S. 2017. What is the harm in ‘harmful traditional practices? Policy Brief. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
- Palm, S., Le Roux, E., & Bartelink, B.E. 2017. Amplifying Development Partnering with Faith. Policy Brief. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
- Bartelink, B.E., Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2017. Sleeping Giants: Mobilising Faith Leaders as Agents of Change. Policy Brief. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
Key Technical Reports
- Palm, S.2022. Learning from Practice: Strengthening a legal and policy environment to prevent violence against women and girls (New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women).
- Le Roux, E. 2022. Learning from Practice: Survivor-centred, multisectoral service provision as part of preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. (New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women).
- Palm, S. & Le Roux, E. 2021. Learning from Practice: Exploring Intersectional approaches to preventing violence against women and girls. (New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women).
- Le Roux, E. and Palm, S. 2021. Learning from Practice: Engaging Faith-based and Traditional Actors in Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. New York, United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
- Le Roux, E., Machisa, M., & Shamu, S. 2021. “There is no peace without money”: Formative research on gender-based violence in three districts in Zimbabwe. Research report. SAFE.
- Palm, S. 2021. Amplifying Teachers' Voices for Inclusive Education. Exploring the roles of religion in comprehensive sexuality education across four African countries. Inclusive and Affirming Ministries & Human Sciences Research Council. South Africa.
- Le Roux, E. 2021. VAWG prevention in a time of COVID-19: a case study of Trócaire Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 SASA!Faith programme adaptations. Research report. SAFE Technical Assistance Facility.
- Palm, S. 2020. One Body? To belong we have to be missed: Theologies of Disability from the Global South, London, Tearfund.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2020. Making families safer: How churches in Burundi can help make equality a reality. New York: Episcopal Relief & Development.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2019. When families become violent spaces: Exploring the roles of the Anglican Mothers’ Union in Zambia. New York: Episcopal Relief & Development.
- Palm, S., Le Roux, E., Bezzolato, E., Deepan, P., Corboz, J. Lele, U., O’Sullivan, V & Jewkes, R. 2019. Rethinking Relationships: Moving from Violence to Equality. What works to prevent violence against women and girls in the DRC . Findings Evaluation Report for DFID.
- Palm, S. 2019. Scoping Study on Faith actors’ involvement in the prevention, elimination and perpetuation of violence against children. Expert Consultation Report’. JLI EVAC Hub (Cape Town).
- Le Roux, E. & Corboz, J. 2019. Baseline Report Liberia: Engaging Faith-Based Organizations to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls. New York: Episcopal Relief & Development.
- Palm, S. 2019. A Tapestry of Many Strands: Exploring Theologies of Inclusion and Diversity from the Global South. Internal Report. Tearfund UK
- Palm, S. 2019. From Exclusion to Embrace: Towards LGBTIQ belonging in local churches. The Other Foundation, South Africa.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2017. What lies beneath? Tackling the roots of religious resistance to ending child marriage. Girls Not Brides. London
- Palm, S. & Le Roux, E. 2018.Women, religion and violence: The need for a gender-relational approach to conflict transformation. Internal Research Report for the Network on Traditional and Religious Peacekeepers
- Le Roux, E. & Bartelink, B.E. 2017. No more 'harmful traditional practices': working effectively with faith leaders. Research report. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities.
- Le Roux, E. & Kramm, N. 2016. Christian identity within World Vision programmes: a multi-case case study of Area Development Programmes in three different religious contexts.
- Le Roux, E. 2015. Research report for UK DFID. A scoping study on the role of faith communities and organisations in prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence: Implications for policy and practice
- Le Roux, E. 2013. Research report for Tearfund. Sexual violence in South Africa and the role of the church.
- Le Roux, E. 2013. Research report for Tearfund. A view on the current situation regarding sexual violence in Burundi: The role for the church and possible avenues for intervention. London: Tearfund UK.
Selected Media Engagements
- Palm, S. and Gaum, L. 2022."Tutu's dream of a church where all belong" Mail and Guardian, 2 February 2022.
- Palm, S. 2021. "Sexual Abuse in the Anglican Church". Special Assignment, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) News, 31 September 2021.
- Palm, S. 2020. The role of FBOs during a pandemic. Radio Interview. Cape Talk.
- Le Roux, E. 2020. Leading in the new normal of pandemic world: An intensive dialogue between religious leaders and scholars on the intersectional nature of ‘leadership’ in and beyond a time of pandemic. Webinar with Religions for Peace and The Center of Theological Inquiry.
- Palm, S. 2020. Ending violence against children. The role of Spiritual Capital. Joint Learning Initiative Webinar.
- Palm S. 2019. South Africa's Constititional Court Judgement on Corporal Punishment. TV Interview on The Womxn Show. 10 Nov 2019.
- Palm, S. 2019. Are South African churches hotbeds of homophobia? Radio interview. Cape Talk. 2 April 2019.
- Palm, S. 2019. How South African churches can make LGBTIQ people feel safer. Press article in The Conversation. 31 March.
- Palm, S. 2019.Stories of LGBTIQ+ belonging, Dialogue Sermon at Milnerton Methodist Church, November 2019.
- Le Roux, 2018. "Theology Matters - Religion and Violence". Podcast interviewing Dr Le Roux.
- Palm, S. 2018. Church outrage against smacking aids violence against South Africa’s children. Press article in The Conversation.
- Le Roux, E. 2017. Why home, even when there’s war, is the most dangerous place for women. Press article in The Conversation.
- Le Roux, E. 2016. How universities can begin to tackle rape culture on their campuses. Press article in The Conversation.
- Le Roux, E. 2015. South Africa’s rising rates of violence against women demand a unified approach. Press article in The Conversation.
- Le Roux, E. 2015. Church guilt in sexual violence against women. Press article in Cape Times. 2015, 16 April.
- Le Roux, E. 2016.Rhodes reference list sparks national debate on rape culture. Television Interview: ENCA.
- Palm, S. 2016. Audio: Faith and Human Rights: Reimagining Power. Sermon at Rondebosch United Church, Cape Town. 22 May.
Key Conference Presentations and webinars
- Palm, S and Le Roux, E. 2021. UN Trust Fund webinar on Learning from Practice: Exploring Intersectional approaches to preventing violence against women and girls.
- Le Roux, E. 2021. Presentation to JLI Reading Group, on paper ‘Can religious women choose?’ 8 July 2021.
- Palm, S., & Mazzarelli, S. 2021. Symposium Presentation at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) Congress in Milan, Italy. “Seen but not Heard: Faith Perspectives on Child Participation to end violence against children”. 10 June 2021.
- Le Roux, E. Co-moderator of UNFPA webinar "A Matter of Faith: Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Gender-based Violence Prevention Strategy in Faith Settings”. 17 June 2021 (passcode is 9wg%X8Gp).
- Le Roux, E. Speaker on GBV AoR Community of Practice webinar ‘Faith and GBV Response: Exploring Relationships and Implications for Humanitarian Practice’. 3 June 2021.
- Palm, S. 2020. “The role of local faith actors’ involvement in ending violence against children” Symposium Presentation at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) Conference in Qatar. 15-17th February 2020.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2019. “PhotoVOICE 2.0: Harnessing religious women’s agency in responding to VAW and VAC.” Paper Presentation at Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum October 2019.
- Le Roux, E. 2019. "Religion, Gender and GBV: Recommendations for a Strategic Research Agenda." Presentation at UNCSW Session Unlocking the Power of Faith-based Partnerships- Enabling the Right to Social Protection.
- Le Roux, E. 2019. “So is it all just about sex? Religion and the need to control female sexuality.” Presentation on Religion and the Production of Difference, Annual Conference of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion.
- Palm, S. 2018. "Building Bridges: Engaging Faith Communities around ending harmful traditional practices". Presentation at United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Sponsored by Danish Embassy and Act Alliance. March 2018.
- Le Roux, E. 2018. “Agency or complicity? Religious women and violence.” Princeton University School of Religion: Symposium on Religion and Violence.
- Le Roux, E. 2018. “Religion and gender-based violence: Responsible Development.” Africa Diaconia and Community Development Conference.
- Palm, S. 2018. "Decolonizing Diaconia: A critical exploration of the role of the helper". Africa Diaconia & Community Development Conference.
- Palm, S. 2018. "Religious Leader Engagement in Ending Child Marriage". Delivered interactive workshop in person to share new tools with GNB members at Girls Not Brides Global Conference, Malaysia. June 2018.
- Le Roux, E. & Bartelink, B.E. 2017. “Exploring the Nexus between Harmful Traditional Practices, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Religion: Working effectively with Faith Leaders.” Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2017.
- Le Roux, E. & Olivier, J. 2017. “Critiquing gender-based violence intervention models using a ‘cascade approach’ to changing (faith) community beliefs and behaviours.” Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2017.
- Le Roux, E. & Palm, S. 2017. "Taking note of the gendered implications of reconciliation". Paper presented at Exploring the Role of Religion and Reconciliation in Political Transition Workshop 22-23 May 2017.
- Palm, S. 2017. "Re-imagining sin: Engaging intersectional oppressions? Embodied Experiences from a South African church youth group." Conference paper at launch of the Gender Unit, Beyers Naude Centre for Public Theology.
- Le Roux, E. & Loots, L. 2016. "Faith and gender justice: how the secular/ faith divide is limiting GBV prevention and response." Paper at the Global Network for Public Theology Conference.
- Le Roux, E. & Kramm, N. 2016. "Faith based organisations and the challenge of defining organisational religious identity." Paper at the Sociological Association of South Africa annual Conference.
- Palm, S. 2016. "An Embodied Public Theological Praxis? Building a human rights culture in South Africa today". Conference paper at the Global Network for Public Theology conference.
- Palm, S. “Relinquishing the Imperial Impulse? Reclaiming the rights of the poor. Lessons from South Africa.” Paper presented at International Conference & Consultation on Global Poverty, 25-27th October 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Le Roux, E. 2015." Taking a look at the evidence: the role of faith communities in prevention and response to SGBV." Presentation at the World Bank Religion and Sustainable Development Conference. 7-9 July 2015.
- Le Roux, E. 2014. Exploring statistics: Intersectionality and violence against women with disabilities. EDAN Women’s Conference. Johannesburg.
- Le Roux, E. 2011. The church and peace processes: A case study of Jos. ISTR African Civil Society Research Network Conference. Stellenbosch University.
Selected Curriculum Modules
Educational training tools or curricula modules developed by URDR researchers include:
- Preventing Violence against Children, Toolkit Module for ERD Liberia, 2020.
- GBV-Related Trauma & Resilience, Toolkit Module for ERD Liberia, 2020.
- Theological Frameworks for Engaging GBV, Toolkit Module for ERD Liberia 2020.
- The Practice-Based Knowledge Learning Cycle, Interactive Training Sessions for The Prevention Collaborative, 2019.