On the 26th May 2016 the DST-NRF Centre for Invasion Biology (C·I·B) and the Iimbovane Outreach Project participated in the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work initiative.
This initiative aims at providing young girls with information to equip them for making better, informed choices about the career choices. This year marks the 14th year since the inception of this initiative. The C·I·B and Iimbovane are regular participants in this annual event that supports the need to expose girls to the reality of the work environment.
Four Grade 11 learners, from Weltevrede Secondary School in Wellington joined Iimbovane for a day in life of a C·I·B employee.
What was refreshing about this day was that that the learners were able to see the variety of roles within an academic institution. Five of the C·I·B’s female scientists and administrators each spent half an hour with the girls, giving them a brief outline of their jobs and career path, before passing on some of their pearls of wisdom. The learners saw the life of a researcher, a post-doctoral student, a PhD student, a database manager and the C·I·Bs Deputy Director (Operations). From spawning mussels to distinguishing between invasive and native ladybirds, there was never a dull moment. The take home message was: “Do not be afraid of doing what you want to do, persevere and take the time to enjoy life amid your busy work schedule”.
The day also included a tour of the campus and the Stellenbosch University’s world class library.
Iimbovane’s Education Outreach officer spoke to the girls about opportunities for further studies at Stellenbosch University.
On behalf of the girls, Anneline Aries thanked the facilitators for a fulfilling day at the university and for their time and effort.