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Vervalsde biblioteekheraktivering e-pos

ʼn E-pos met die heraktivering van biblioteekrekeninge as onderwerp, word op die oomblik onder personeel en studente versprei. (sien onder) Jy sal nooit gevra word om jou biblioteektoegang te heraktiveer nie.

Onderstaande e-pos bevat ʼn gevaarlike skakel en as jy daarop kliek en aanteken, sal dit jou inligting oes en elders misbruik. 

Ignoreer dit asseblief en vee die e-pos uit. Ongelukkig raak kuberkrakers slimmer en slimmer en daarmee saam word hul e-posse ook meer oortuigend. Wees paraat en moenie alles glo wat jy lees nie. 



From: Fake SU name [] –
Sent: 06 May 2016 08:34
To: Another fake SU name <>
Subject: Library Services

Dear User,

This message is to inform you that your access to your library account will soon expire. You will have to login to your account to continue to have access to the library services.
You need to reactivate it just by logging in through the following URL. A successful login will activate your account and you will be redirected to your library profile.


If you are not able to login, please contact Fake SU name at for immediate assistance.


Fake SU name
Information Technology
Stellenbosch University Home
021 808 9965

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