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Take the short-cut

Some days there’s just not enough time to do things the long way. So to make sure you don’t unnecessarily waste time, we found some keyboard short-cuts for your browser that might make your life a little bit easier (and faster!)

(short-cuts  courtesy of

Open a new tab

Ctrl + T

Close a new tab

Ctrl + W

Switch tabs

Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Open link in new tab

Ctrl + left click, mousewheel click

Open last closed tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Open tab in Incognito/Stealth mode

Ctrl + Shift + N

Scroll horizontally

Shift + mousewheel up or down

Increase/Decrease font size

Ctrl + mousewheel up or down

Save bookmark

Ctrl + D

Jump to next text field/box

Tab, Shift + Tab

Copy, Cut, Paste text

Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V

View browsing history

Ctrl + H

Download link

Ctrl + left mouse click

Reload page


Go to homepage

Alt + Home

Open Chrome task manager

Shift + Escape

Jump to address bar

Ctrl + L

Go to beginning, end of page

Home, End

Stop webpage loading


Activate full-screen mode


Show downloads page

Ctrl + J

Find word/phrase in page

Ctrl + F


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