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A SIM card swap fraud occurs when criminals obtain and utilise a replacement SIM card to acquire security )] TJ ET BT 61.016 522.066 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(messages and one-time passwords \(OTP\) sent to you by the bank. Using the OTP, criminals are able to change, add )] TJ ET BT 61.016 511.077 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(beneficiaries and transfer money out of your account using your personal information that they would have obtained )] TJ ET BT 61.016 500.088 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(through phishing. One of our colleagues lost R20 000 over the holidays and asked us to warn other staff as well:)] TJ ET BT 61.016 480.099 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(How does a SIM swap scam work?)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 85.866 462.926 m 85.866 463.339 85.696 463.748 85.404 464.040 c 85.113 464.332 84.703 464.501 84.291 464.501 c 83.878 464.501 83.469 464.332 83.177 464.040 c 82.885 463.748 82.716 463.339 82.716 462.926 c 82.716 462.514 82.885 462.104 83.177 461.813 c 83.469 461.521 83.878 461.351 84.291 461.351 c 84.703 461.351 85.113 461.521 85.404 461.813 c 85.696 462.104 85.866 462.514 85.866 462.926 c f BT 91.016 460.110 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(The SIM swap takes place after the fraudsters have received a your bank logon details as a result of the you )] TJ ET BT 91.016 449.121 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(responding to, for example, a Phishing e-mail. \(this is why phishing e-mails are so dangerous and you should )] TJ ET BT 91.016 438.132 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(never ever respond or click on links contained in these phishing e-mails.\))] TJ ET 85.866 429.959 m 85.866 430.372 85.696 430.781 85.404 431.073 c 85.113 431.365 84.703 431.534 84.291 431.534 c 83.878 431.534 83.469 431.365 83.177 431.073 c 82.885 430.781 82.716 430.372 82.716 429.959 c 82.716 429.547 82.885 429.137 83.177 428.846 c 83.469 428.554 83.878 428.384 84.291 428.384 c 84.703 428.384 85.113 428.554 85.404 428.846 c 85.696 429.137 85.866 429.547 85.866 429.959 c f BT 91.016 427.143 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Once the fraudsters have the your cell phone number and other personal information, the fraudster can pose as )] TJ ET BT 91.016 416.154 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(you, requesting a new SIM card from a cellular service provider.)] TJ ET 85.866 407.981 m 85.866 408.394 85.696 408.803 85.404 409.095 c 85.113 409.387 84.703 409.556 84.291 409.556 c 83.878 409.556 83.469 409.387 83.177 409.095 c 82.885 408.803 82.716 408.394 82.716 407.981 c 82.716 407.569 82.885 407.159 83.177 406.868 c 83.469 406.576 83.878 406.406 84.291 406.406 c 84.703 406.406 85.113 406.576 85.404 406.868 c 85.696 407.159 85.866 407.569 85.866 407.981 c f BT 91.016 405.165 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(The cellular service provider transfers the your SIM card identity to the new SIM card, cancelling your old SIM card )] TJ ET BT 91.016 394.176 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(in the process.)] TJ ET 85.866 386.003 m 85.866 386.416 85.696 386.825 85.404 387.117 c 85.113 387.409 84.703 387.578 84.291 387.578 c 83.878 387.578 83.469 387.409 83.177 387.117 c 82.885 386.825 82.716 386.416 82.716 386.003 c 82.716 385.591 82.885 385.181 83.177 384.890 c 83.469 384.598 83.878 384.428 84.291 384.428 c 84.703 384.428 85.113 384.598 85.404 384.890 c 85.696 385.181 85.866 385.591 85.866 386.003 c f BT 91.016 383.187 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(The result is that there is no signal on the old SIM card, which means the you cannot receive / make phone calls or )] TJ ET BT 91.016 372.198 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(send SMS messages. \(This ought to be the first sign of something wrong, so if you get SIMCARD INVALID error )] TJ ET BT 91.016 361.209 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(on your cell phone\))] TJ ET 85.866 353.036 m 85.866 353.449 85.696 353.858 85.404 354.150 c 85.113 354.442 84.703 354.611 84.291 354.611 c 83.878 354.611 83.469 354.442 83.177 354.150 c 82.885 353.858 82.716 353.449 82.716 353.036 c 82.716 352.624 82.885 352.214 83.177 351.923 c 83.469 351.631 83.878 351.461 84.291 351.461 c 84.703 351.461 85.113 351.631 85.404 351.923 c 85.696 352.214 85.866 352.624 85.866 353.036 c f BT 91.016 350.220 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(The SMS authorisation reference number, which is normally sent to the client, reaches the fraudster instead of )] TJ ET BT 91.016 339.231 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(you, the legitimate owner, and the fraudster is able to make once-off payments and create beneficiaries fraudulently)] TJ ET BT 61.016 319.242 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(What should I do if I suspect an unlawful SIM swap?)] TJ ET 85.866 302.069 m 85.866 302.482 85.696 302.891 85.404 303.183 c 85.113 303.475 84.703 303.644 84.291 303.644 c 83.878 303.644 83.469 303.475 83.177 303.183 c 82.885 302.891 82.716 302.482 82.716 302.069 c 82.716 301.657 82.885 301.247 83.177 300.956 c 83.469 300.664 83.878 300.494 84.291 300.494 c 84.703 300.494 85.113 300.664 85.404 300.956 c 85.696 301.247 85.866 301.657 85.866 302.069 c f BT 91.016 299.253 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(If you fall prey to an unlawful SIM swap, or suspect that you have, contact your cellular service provider for )] TJ ET BT 91.016 288.264 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(assistance.)] TJ ET 85.866 280.091 m 85.866 280.504 85.696 280.913 85.404 281.205 c 85.113 281.497 84.703 281.666 84.291 281.666 c 83.878 281.666 83.469 281.497 83.177 281.205 c 82.885 280.913 82.716 280.504 82.716 280.091 c 82.716 279.679 82.885 279.269 83.177 278.978 c 83.469 278.686 83.878 278.516 84.291 278.516 c 84.703 278.516 85.113 278.686 85.404 278.978 c 85.696 279.269 85.866 279.679 85.866 280.091 c f BT 91.016 277.275 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Also contact the internet banking helpdesk to request that your internet banking access be suspended with )] TJ ET BT 91.016 266.286 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(immediate effect. This will prevent fraudsters from gaining access and transacting on your accounts.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 246.297 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(What can I do to prevent SIM swap fraud?)] TJ ET 85.866 229.124 m 85.866 229.537 85.696 229.946 85.404 230.238 c 85.113 230.530 84.703 230.699 84.291 230.699 c 83.878 230.699 83.469 230.530 83.177 230.238 c 82.885 229.946 82.716 229.537 82.716 229.124 c 82.716 228.712 82.885 228.302 83.177 228.011 c 83.469 227.719 83.878 227.549 84.291 227.549 c 84.703 227.549 85.113 227.719 85.404 228.011 c 85.696 228.302 85.866 228.712 85.866 229.124 c f BT 91.016 226.308 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Protect your information all your information.)] TJ ET 85.866 218.135 m 85.866 218.548 85.696 218.957 85.404 219.249 c 85.113 219.541 84.703 219.710 84.291 219.710 c 83.878 219.710 83.469 219.541 83.177 219.249 c 82.885 218.957 82.716 218.548 82.716 218.135 c 82.716 217.723 82.885 217.313 83.177 217.022 c 83.469 216.730 83.878 216.560 84.291 216.560 c 84.703 216.560 85.113 216.730 85.404 217.022 c 85.696 217.313 85.866 217.723 85.866 218.135 c f BT 91.016 215.319 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Do not disclose your ID number on websites unless you have verified the legitimacy of the site. The bank already )] TJ ET BT 91.016 204.330 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(knows your ID number and will not require you to give it to us again.)] TJ ET 85.866 196.157 m 85.866 196.570 85.696 196.979 85.404 197.271 c 85.113 197.563 84.703 197.732 84.291 197.732 c 83.878 197.732 83.469 197.563 83.177 197.271 c 82.885 196.979 82.716 196.570 82.716 196.157 c 82.716 195.745 82.885 195.335 83.177 195.044 c 83.469 194.752 83.878 194.582 84.291 194.582 c 84.703 194.582 85.113 194.752 85.404 195.044 c 85.696 195.335 85.866 195.745 85.866 196.157 c f BT 91.016 193.341 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Do not disclose your cell number on websites unless you have verified the legitimacy of the site. Phishing sites )] TJ ET BT 91.016 182.352 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(often request for information such as ID Number, email address and email address password, physical address, )] TJ ET BT 91.016 171.363 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(etc.)] TJ ET 85.866 163.190 m 85.866 163.603 85.696 164.012 85.404 164.304 c 85.113 164.596 84.703 164.765 84.291 164.765 c 83.878 164.765 83.469 164.596 83.177 164.304 c 82.885 164.012 82.716 163.603 82.716 163.190 c 82.716 162.778 82.885 162.368 83.177 162.077 c 83.469 161.785 83.878 161.615 84.291 161.615 c 84.703 161.615 85.113 161.785 85.404 162.077 c 85.696 162.368 85.866 162.778 85.866 163.190 c f BT 91.016 160.374 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Always make sure that your contact details on Internet banking are valid and correct. You know when your details )] TJ ET BT 91.016 149.385 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(have changed, so when you are ready, you can update the information on Internet banking or at a local bank )] TJ ET BT 91.016 138.396 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(branch.)] TJ ET BT 360.940 118.407 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [([INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY DAVID WILES])] TJ ET BT 61.016 98.418 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [()] TJ ET BT 61.016 79.929 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Posted in:Communication,Security | Tagged:Cell Phone,Phishing,Security | With 0 comments)] TJ ET q 225.000 0 0 156.000 61.016 332.890 cm /I1 Do Q endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 10 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F3 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 11 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F4 /BaseFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 300 /Height 208 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Filter /DCTDecode /BitsPerComponent 8 /Length 7784>> stream JFIF;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 80 C   %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()(C   (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((," }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?((((((((((h2JTW=y&VDK Mocu.EU "+ oS18z袊`QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEf(Q@Q@hP3EQEPU.ⴄ)S5謢˜:d3d_{.}U8#/3 XW=7H)ɝB7$cInq#fƺC!,Pε5Z|8 q5*9(E]*I $c'sӥ|ow[ xS7Z=U OjiM{w> b!AT>.cY֙rz<#5~4ԕ󲌠dfE2C4f((3KEfE%-PIKEPQKEQEQE%-PQKE%P5M 1/}UmA 4篢뙑G,Y'&YyZIXni6{9f>Ukv=2fK(S9>{\>U$_bkލU^'U5$mQwZ$ F[': zէZ\gNiD$ $_;=h0!,C߻?ʽM-5;D'2c_Eºw|;.-EFTWA%PQKE%-PEPEPEPEPEPEPEdMcVAjFOCaz3°[I$ϾD;{#銳js=XJ?[r-nm19kE(gu֭ʏ.Xd7|Qzsu$=e$wsXD,Tްķ:s !cЀiB<Ó}`^-4} ?z/SҶcv Ĝ|қoj"%=jKF\AOYz܉~EO4,2A֢&{-4"5X}۷zak\ Nv9gnǹ' h3QNg^YU KԻPkc9AK kp͍(&b{eQUg;xGF:.߼hO VЖ828"6)RQ1 >x=ZlQS$ӷaԛvi|sxeԶxֺ\ȷ&hݑT|S{8F^da#Apk ~]ss./a]N4TWp_Zsg2M*rN.N(QEQEQEQEQEQEQQ*CI+E@vTRBzW3rLPw=Qj6@ k79ԭ}cAMi3ڢ͖u9?=E+&f~dܱ*:[ȶ@VHt5Z+vᰣcӅMttՑh-v'Qncv#};bTF8}jvطu͍{a3nn4]:}KaRF.d’}NV1&_Sִ4M 2"IaE3eq}GZZ }k@gԖFVReҪZY"1l=0-ޱoX.O4ekr桨Ecg 9IHހTZ}qy{D*}OEcgWkBA5 A~_&qҥǾzs~Sj䧍nO!tͼ :|'ªlv0s+ .i{)lUB^V2̕S$dç@=j4E2U~h̳*jws.vv]߇, '!t{W>ڌwKV?{}]>B#;wZ( ( ( ( ( (y[9'hKa2LQ /e|^mQjCw=}sb\VUԭVOʅE&1y:M];,y'5|X4YH5m>@c |&FRpMWknT5-D[2An{?L{(Q^9E \d)9=[+id=j-eE7G] u\,**>Rq5w-wVKy$@*=J|[i)lU}qRM5/$,q3(2\S o++2I:B*sfVI, )@0p{VcդUԕbI_}Sw5g Y5ɵVރXbtҳK' srz?ߡJ+NbH@9HI5m"(П|Gk4㷾c g8`pF@Sp[;ϐGө' J+cBMOGV##\(jdUzGEZXy1F$*9$CKVjo K3Yp5t=@Jy'޸Ha@wbqd_U{e+I;x sܤdq([ڗPY#̍yt]. *C˞^B9sps$_+ӲO[Zœ'V|JR' .٧#AO>՛ok6:^jqC SսoIik-^Kly}[߷oZs7_JOFkEx!b“ $?;S+ݴ: 2`\1סʇ.sz-Lҭ6sjW ( ( ( ( ( ( W䑷3]۝ff}-RP!k3]lV@`Dėl>HW7}ܭ$ܓq^~/_9$vWH~4dω*<正;dj83f%Tr6 gqjSX^F1'wǡOeמ;NHHQQ+HMˉSS娵/]W䤣xD19jh9-٠ "AW\ų8"kw{SpS6>_w6g.Mshvt?o~ZЋ]CmT^:OsP!HmQaUz Pśgdպ_4RIWXf:Tj00Pֵ83m*cIEVUّu: YpX@ =ҫT:Ąat VDCk8O[9*zGzvXj~ E*.~K  ~g>/5[#/^קAڤɵ'ף[;ý:t4U0=XE,QEQEQERR ( ( (/18JAJ9&r(\c`>՛o}?{ל#%Į$`ԓ+~ΖϨ2/j|Jz.C/.%i/#c?+7j`nS@_b=g$hm8]*֧lBQDTrIƷl'm}PZv#5l $WQL$*ʖViԐIV2oP+cpV3xuHkܒ%c<I(P.A1/_AVJwcԛ^`' |SuR\oŕ)R.k|u\$H ^?VYR8NG3ׂO6_L}=Oh @@?ֽ\ߩYˬ6X$5}MX ( ( ( ))h(((( k8D?:u=wԌ53*p|Xܡ`p~YңCkԇg7 8S*Ӽ|coC}ϵ|+*WC2KIv/Zn\c 31Nj؁flSqlTE,WNyMM"iKx.E <>lv~}ROu19i.}.I;OJ] Imuq*IAo?%K (A_v: Gz-HmPvbrIɩ!-u?3J<$@֧8"v֒yA?Z-p)vc i=${"֗8PkԼq4gB~)CM6d`+hcGj8DSssדEYۤ$TQ^aEPEPE%-QI@ EPEPEPEPEPEPX:m8+~c\e=}zM&ƛ>z.4.D6-9\DvfKęc)_Wzt[e\8:y% rp,ּ|^4}VY{?rvCˎqOJ[;YnXBǀ(IJJ7 $dH$:fSV~x'|qOt1 W׭CAE *F 0t ѣb[) 4U(Th((((()(h((((+Z):7PjZ(˼oH-wn +ȐW )^!f<$8澯QmU pi#PƬ. 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Beware of SIM card swap fraud


Although it is a known scam, when it hits one of your colleagues, it makes you aware that there are very real dangers out there. A SIM card swap fraud occurs when criminals obtain and utilise a replacement SIM card to acquire security messages and one-time passwords (OTP) sent to you by the bank. Using the OTP, criminals are able to change, add beneficiaries and transfer money out of your account using your personal information that they would have obtained through phishing. One of our colleagues lost R20 000 over the holidays and asked us to warn other staff as well:

How does a SIM swap scam work?

  • The SIM swap takes place after the fraudsters have received a your bank logon details as a result of the you responding to, for example, a Phishing e-mail. (this is why phishing e-mails are so dangerous and you should never ever respond or click on links contained in these phishing e-mails.)
  • Once the fraudsters have the your cell phone number and other personal information, the fraudster can pose as you, requesting a new SIM card from a cellular service provider.
  • The cellular service provider transfers the your SIM card identity to the new SIM card, cancelling your old SIM card in the process.
  • The result is that there is no signal on the old SIM card, which means the you cannot receive / make phone calls or send SMS messages. (This ought to be the first sign of something wrong, so if you get  “SIMCARD INVALID” error on your cell phone)
  • The SMS authorisation reference number, which is normally sent to the client, reaches the fraudster instead of you, the legitimate owner, and the fraudster is able to make once-off payments and create beneficiaries fraudulently

What should I do if I suspect an unlawful SIM swap?

  • If you fall prey to an unlawful SIM swap, or suspect that you have, contact your cellular service provider for assistance.
  • Also contact the internet banking helpdesk to request that your internet banking access be suspended with immediate effect. This will prevent fraudsters from gaining access and transacting on your accounts.

What can I do to prevent SIM swap fraud?

  • Protect your information – all your information.
  • Do not disclose your ID number on websites unless you have verified the legitimacy of the site. The bank already knows your ID number and will not require you to give it to us again.
  • Do not disclose your cell number on websites unless you have verified the legitimacy of the site. Phishing sites often request for information such as ID Number, email address and email address password, physical address, etc.
  • Always make sure that your contact details on Internet banking are valid and correct. You know when your details have changed, so when you are ready, you can update the information on Internet banking or at a local bank branch.



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