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Meet your digital cheerleader


It’s easy to find excuses not to exercise, complete a course or clean up the garage. We all procrastinate and busy schedules cause us to neglect tasks we need, and also want, to do.

Calendar Goals was developed by Google to be our cheerleader and personal assistant.

The software uses machine learning to help you allocate time on your Google Calendar to complete your chosen goals, whether it’s an exercise regime or merely spending more time reading. Goals pinpoints gaps in your schedule fit your needs. 

To use Calendar Goals, you need to be a Gmail user and use the Calendar app. After adding “Goal”, Google will ask you a few questions to establish what you want to do and which times of day would suit your best.

It has options, like Exercise, Build a Skill and Me Time,  available, but you can also add your own. After entering your information, you can leave it to Google to schedule a few time slots and remind you to keep to them.

If it happens that something else is scheduled during Google’s suggested times, it will allocate another time and keep trying until it suits you. Of course, if you are a serial procrastinator, you will find a way around this, but the software will try its best to make it difficult for you to do so. 

How to use Google Calendar Goals on Android and iOS

The new feature is available from this week for users on Android and iPhone, but not yet for the web-based Gmail calendar.

Google Calendar | Google Play Store via Google Blog


[SOURCES: http://gadgets.ndtv.comhttp://techcrunch.com]


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