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New phishing message distributed on campus

This morning we received word of a new phishing e-mail being distributed on campus. (see example below) Please note that the message below is NOT from the University’s IT department. All our e-mails will be branded and in both Afrikaans and English. Ignore these e-mails and delete them. Other signs to look out for are:

1. The e-mail is never addressed to you personally – it’s a generic heading. (e.g. Dear client)
2. It asks the receiver to divulge personal information, for example your ID number, password or username.
3. The e-mail asks you to click on a link to “activate” your account. Don’t click on any links in e-mails (unless it’s an official IT e-mail) and also don’t copy and paste it in your web browser.
4. Usually a short time limit is given, for example “within 24 hours”.
5. Make sure the request is official and legal by calling the company and confirming.
6. Do not send sensitive information by e-mail. Legitimate companies won’t ask you to send data by e-mail.


From: a University staff member []
Sent: 05 May 2016 11:52 PM
Subject: Outlook WebAccess

Today Thursday 5th  May, 2016. we are upgrading our email system to Outlook Web App 2016. This service creates more space and easy access to email. Please update your account by clicking on Activation below, fill information for activation and submit.

Click for Activation

Inability to complete the information will render your account inactive. 

Thank you.

IT Admin Desk

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